Chapter 3: The Toad and The boy

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As Remus was robe shopping, Me and Aria looked in amazement as the shop keeper pulled off a sheet that showed a new broom. "The Firebolt" I said as I put my hand on the glass as every one crowded us to look at the new broom.

"another way for you to beat Harry in qidditch" said aria as she looked at me.. "How about you try for the team this year aira.. You talk about qidditch a lot" I said as I looked at aria as she just stood silent then she replied.

"I cant.. An I don't wanna. I just want to watch it... I don't want to join the family by playing qidditch" said aria as she took her hand off of the glass and walked off and I followed her as Sirius sat across the way asleep with his feet on the table of a tea shop.

"It's fine aria, I mean me and Harry are the first to play quidditch. Our mum played for fun and our dad just made potions" I said as we began to walk as aria nodded.

"well this is flints last year" I added as we walked throw the crowd of people. "Good for him" said aria as we got to Flourish and Blotts. "But who will be taking after him to lead the qidditch team" I said as we looked in the glass case that was in front of the bookstore. All that was in there was snapping books, as that was interesting along with Lockharts face and with who am I under it.

"Probably you, we all know that your good" she said as she patted my back as we heard a cricket from some were an that left us silent for a moment.
"were not even close to the pet shop" said aria as she looked around but I looked at me feet.

There sat a toad as I looked at it, it looked back at me. I picked up the toad and aria looked at me. "found were the sound was coming from" I said as I held up the toad.. "Why are you holding it" she said as she looked at me.

"Well a friend of mine has always lost his toad...  So he might be here" I said as aria shook her head. "you are very different from your dad" she said as we heard a voice that was a bit loud. "Trevor" yelled some on as they got closer. "I can't believe you gone and lost your toad boy" said a woman as she followed behind.

"sorry gran" said the boy as he continued to yell. "Trevor".
"I can't believe he still has that thing" said aria as he got closer. "me neither" I said before I waveyed for Neville.

"Neville over here" I yelled as he looked at me and qickley an ran over.  "Eileen and black nice to see you here..  Have you seen Trevor" said Neville as he looked at me and aria let out a chuckle.

"longbottom, the toad is in her hands" said aria as she pointed at my hands as the toad looked at Neville. "Wow, thanks Eileen" said Neville as he took Trevor out of my hand and looked at the toad.. "Grams going to kill me if I lose you again" said Neville as he held the toad close to him. "good luck with that" I said as aria continued to shake her head.

"I must be off..  See you two when we get to Hogwarts" said Neville before he walked off.  "Since when were you and him on a first name basis" said aria as she looked at me.

"Since last year after I helped him with dark arts" I said as aria let out a chuckle. "well we should catch up to my knocked out uncle" said aria as she looked at me. "let's get going I call pouring water on him" I said with a chuckle.. "your on" said aria as she gave an Evil grin.

Hey guys sorry if this chapter is a bit small, I have been visiting my grandma and bigger chapters with come back on Tuesday!! But now the results for who Eileen will end up with is......

Neville longbottom!!

He won with 6 votes, I am very excited for them but let's just say next chapter will be eventual.. Until then remember to follow if you haven't yet and if you like the chapter vote!!

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