23: The Pevees Snow show

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"wolfsbane, also known as a plant that helps claim down the effect of what deadly beast" exclaimed my dad as he paced throw the isle of the desk as ever one was silent as me an aria were chatting softly. "What do you mean by the dog that was by the wommping willow" asked Aria as she looked at me In confusion as i tapped my finger on the table. "The dog.. I saw it befor when i was 6 an it dose not look like it aged at all" i said softly as my dad walked in front of us. "Miss.Black, what is the name of the beast" said my dad as he hovered over the both of us. "A werewolf professor.. According to newt Scamander they are ranked a four X" said Aria as my dad cleared his throat before he said another word. "Good job black, didn't need the extra detail.. 20 points to slytherin" said my dad with a snark as he didn't like how much i hanged out with Aria, since he says its an unhealthy amount of time. "Now, we are going to brew the wolfsbane potion.. The first group that dose it perfectly will earn there house 500 points" he added on as he looked at me an aria as he knew something that we didn't. "What are you waiting for" snarled by dad as everything ran like roaches as me and aria stayed sat down as every one ran to the cabinets. "why is your dad more curler then he usley is" asked aria as we watched my dad rub the bridge of his nose. "Its harry, right before we go to Christmas break he seeks into honeydukes at midnight an gets cought" i said softy as i looked at my dad as he flipped throw papers looking for something. "How tragic" said aria as she stood up. "i know, my brother doing something like.. Never heard of before" i said as we both went to go get the ingredients for the potion.
As i tugged my chest  into the great hall, i came to a jolting stop as a certain Poltergeist hovered in front of me. "Peeves see a bit snow, Peeves would like to know if you wanna throw like Evans once done" said peeves as he hovered in the entrance  as he looked at me in interest as he waited for the answer as i saw my godfather siting on the fountain after a week of his disappearance. Peeves took it upon his self to turn around in a chuckle. "Loony lupin has return from his loony self.. Lookie what i can do" he said with a chuckle as he raised his  finger as i watched 6 snow balls raise from the ground as remus flipped throw a book. Peeves flicked his finger as the snow balls went towards remus in high speed As peeves vanished in thin air. "Remus" i yelled as he looked up he was plumbed with the snow balls like a cannon setting off.. Befor i knew it remus was covered in snow an i let out a chuckle as he joined in As he stood up. "Just like Sirius an your mom did.. Did he put you up to this" he asked as he closed his book as we walk towrds me. "No one put me up to it, Peeves was the one who did it" i said as he remus shook his head. "peeves still cant leave me alone.. You better head off to the train.. It may leave you" said remus as he patted my head as i saw harrys white owl fly across the gray sky.
This chapter is dedicated to my grandmother who past away today.. I hope you guys like this short chapter an have a happy holidays

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