20: The dead chase

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As the lectures from my dad and dumbledore never stopped as dumbledore's brother had found the both of us passed out in the closest  with Arias dad was on the loose. "You could  of gotten killed eileen" exclaimed my dad as he paced back and forth as dumbledore stood in one spot. "If you weren't my daughter you would of gotten a very stern punishment" he added as he stood in front of me with his arms crossed. "Severus, claim down my dear boy.. Now what did you two hear" asked dumbledore as he looked at the both of us and we looked at each other. "My father had killed a man named Peter Pettigrew that was protecting Eileen as he wanted to kill her" said aria as her gray eyes looked up at the head master.  "is there anything else" asked dumbledore as aria hesitated. "there is one thing" she said as she looked at me for help. "what was it" said my dad as he looked at me. "They were talking about three slytherin kids that come from troubled past shall join the dark to bring back the light but Trouble will follow as they become dark" i said as the room be came silent as dumbledore's Phoenix  cleaned its father's. "That crazy lady with her prophecy's" said my dad as he slings his arms in the air. "Aria and Eileen, promise me something. That you will tell no one about what you had heard last night" said dumbledore as i saw my dad look angrily  at me. "We promise" said the both at us. "Since i cant take Quidditch from you two.. No hogsmead for a hole month" said my dad as both of our mouths dropped. "Now off you two me and dumbledore have something to talk about" he added as me and aria stood up and walked out the headmasters office we both had something we couldn't wait for had been taken away. As the door shut aria let out a sigh. "Your father needs to sort out his priorities" said aria as we started to walk down the stair case. "At least he didn't give us detention" i said as the voices from the halls echoed through the head masters tower As tonight was Halloween..
"Eileen arnt you coming.. Its the Halloween feast after all" asked aria as i sat in the Slytherin common area  as Area as Aria stood at the entrance as we both were the only ones still in the common room. "Im good Aria.. Im not hungry, go on ill be fine" i said as aria nodded and she was off. I dug throw my pants pocket and pulled out the map out that was still a pice of parchment. I sat the map on the table and pulled out my wand An touched the tip on the parchment. " I swear I'm up to no good" i said as the ink slowly appeared and opened by its self which had never happened  before​. As i looked at the map i saw Aria walk towards the Great hall an a name that i had never seen in hogwarts  before​ but had heard that he had died... Petter Pettigrew that was at the entrance of the Slytherin. I picked up the map as i still had my wand in hand And walked towards the exit of the common room the name began to move. I left the common  and began to chase a dead mans name that was on a map.

As i got towards Remus office the name had disappeared on the map.. As i looked around for it Remus name had gotten closer towards mine. "Eileen.. Are you ok" asked remus as he stood in front of me and i looked up. "ya im all right" i said as i quickly hide the map behind my back. "Eileen, hand me the thing thats behind your back" asked remus as he held his hand out waiting for me to give him the parchment. "i don't  have  anything" i said in denial as remus gave a small sigh.. "just like your mum,Cant lie with out a little twitch of your eye.. Now eileen hand me over the parchment" exclaimed remus as i gave a sigh as i gave Remus the map that still was visible on the paper and he eye balled the paper.. "come in Eileen" said Remus as he opened the dark arts classroom door and we both walked in. Remus walked in between a row of desks as he began to lecture me. "i cant believe you are using this Eileen, this could lead Regulus straight to you.. You should of been at the Halloween feast.. But instead your walking around the halls with a killer on this lose.. Your mum did no sacrifice her self for you to be reckless" exclaimed remus as he turned around as i looked at him. "ive never gone to the Halloween fest.. You should know i think its broken i saw some one on the map that is thought to be dead... Petter Pettigrew" i said as remus looked at me in shock. "it cant be.. The map always works.. It never lies" said remus as he looked at the map in wonder. "how is that.. It seems very curious to me" i said as i looked at remus as he folded up the map.. "This i very dark magic.. I dont know how you got a hold of it but it is in my possession" said remus as he put it in his pants pocket. "Now i recommend you joining your brother in the grate hall" he added as i gave a sigh.. "all right" i said as i turned around and walked out of the dark arts room.

"How did she get a hold of this.. Sirius and james got it taken away" said remus as he sat down at his desk as he pulled out the map that he has not seen in many years.. "Petter you little rat.. Your in this castle and not dead" he said to himself as he saw the name warmtail come on to the map from a wall. "You start bugger, hiding in plain sight for 12 years" said remus as he saw the name quickly move towards the Gryffindor common room.
"Petter how could you.. Lily, my brother and Remus trusted you" said Regulus as he held his wand towards the shriveled man in the corner of an alley. "I didn't mean to! The dark Lord wanted the girl dead" exclaimed petter as he shook as Regulus put his wand even closer then it was before. "Why dose he want the Eileen to be killed, she is just a few months old" exclaimed Regulus as he tightened his grip on his wand. "She is stopping the dark Lord for killing the boy.. But the boy will bring him to his down fall" said petter as he closed his eyes in fear. "But why dose he want her dead" he yelled as Petter still shivered in fear. "The dark lord never told me" he said as Regulus rolled his eyes in aggravation..

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