21: the break in

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"Now darlings, dump the rune stones onto the table. To see what the runes say about you" said Babbling as she stood in front of the class as we all had rune bags in front us. "Eileen, you go first" exclaimed aria as she pushed her rune bag closer to her as Furgus done the same. I picked up the purple rune bag as i sighed. "why do i always have to be first " i exclaimed as i held the bag in my hands. "your better then the both of us.. That's s why" said furgus with his Scottish accent as i rolled my eyes as i opened the bag and dumped the runes out. Only four had fallen out onto the table. "so you have a wolf-like creature, a tree thing a thing that looks like to be like a moon and a" said aria as furgus flipped throw the texted book. "It say's a beast is among you" he said as he scanned the page once more. "that will be revealed in a dark place on a full moon" he added as i rolled my eyes. " that's Anarchy, the only beast i know is that rat weasley has" i said as i rolled my eye as professor Babbling came towards the table we sat at. "my dears, who's ruins are these" she asked as she looked down at The table with the four runes. "They are Eileen's, professor" said furgus as Babbling has a worried look on her face.. "My dear.. It seems like something bad is going to happen to you.. You have gotten the grim and a wolf Beast, you are in danger my dear" said Babbling as she looked at me. "there it is the danger word" said aria in a wispier as Fergus shook his head. "I am not in danger, i will never be" i said as I looked at babbling a she was crazy. "you say that now my dear, but the runes say something deferent" she said as I stood up and put my hands onto the table "She pushed her" said Fergus as aria shook her head as the professor looked a bit concerned. "Its true my dear, ancient runes never lie" she exclaimed as I closed my eyes. "I'm sorry professor" I said as I began to walk out of the class. "i wount be in danger" i added as Aria and Fergus stood up. "We are truly sorry professor" said aria as they both went after me, but Fergus turned back round.. "We are truly sorry" he explained as the professor gave a sigh. "its fine my dear, she has evil with her" said babbling as Fergus looked a bit confused and ran after us.

"Eileen" yelled aria as i began to walk fast as Fergus cought up. "Stop Snape" she yelled as i stopped in my tracks on the stair way as Fergus stoped as well. "Wait.. Snape.. Eileen" said Fergus as he was confused. "I dont want to be in there I would rather be cleaning my dads couldruns all night" i said as i turned around to see Fergus confused face. "Well she is a bit crazy " said aria as Fergus cleared his throat. "can some one tell me what's going on.. Why did you call hee Snape, her last names Potter" asked Fergus in question as he looked at me an then back at Aria. "Mine and harrys dad is Professor Snape, but you can not tell anyone.. Only a few people know including lupin" i said as the made Fergus eyes widen even more. "the dark arts professor knows befor me.. Know thats bloody reducklucs us " he said as he gave out a sigh. "he's her godfather" exclaimed aria as Fergus rubbed his temples.. "Let me get this straight, you and potter are children of snape an not really a potter. So your godfather happens to be our Dada professor.. Any more things that  i need know" asked Fergus  as we started to walk down the stairs. "um just dont tell anyone" i said at the end of the stairs. "i won't tell any one, but what are you going to do Eileen" he said with response as him and aria stopped on the first step. "im going to what i do best on breaks.. Im going to take a nap" i said as the both of them shook there heads.


As i slept something was stirring in my room, stuff was ruffling i slowly sat up thinking it was Aria."Aria come on, cant i get a nap in" i said with a yawn and rubbed my eyes. As i opened my eyes there stood a tall man   that was very skinny, with a beard, gry eyes that made it look like his life was drained frome him  and long tangled black hair. "Bloody hell" i yelled as i grabbed my wand from my night stand and pointed at him. "who in Merlins beard are you" i yelled as he began to walk towards the only window that was in the room that looked over the black lake. "i said who are you" i asked one more time as the man slowly turned around. "You'll learn soon" said the man as she turned back around and jump out of the window as i saw that he left something on my desk. I put my want in my front pocket and walked towards my desk, there sat a lone note that i began to read the Seven words that were on the paper.
        I am sorry for what i have done

"i told you, i don't know how he got in" i explained as i sat in front of my dad, a sick remus and sirius. "why would i sneek a person who wants to kill me into mine and aria room in the slytherin common room" i added as i looked  at the three of them. "i think since my brother is in close range of the castle.. Its not safe for the girls to be at Hogwarts" said Sirius as he looked at my dad at remus and my dad. "No i cant leave hogwarts, it is my home way from Spinners end and  Grimwald place" i exclaimed as i stood up in protest as my dad let out a sigh. "ill put a ward up in there room and change the password to get into the common room" exclaimed my dad as remus and sirius agreed as it seemed that they were in a hurry for something as sirius held his little brothers note in his hands.

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