32: Remus!

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As the seven of us walked throw the dirt path under the wommping willow as Aria and her father cought up.. "Eileen.. How is your father been" asked Regulus as we kept it from Fergus for the 2 year's we have known him as he walked behind the three of us as we talked as remus kept his wand to Petters back. "My dad has been a git since Christmas" i responded as we came close to the entrance of path that was in the wommping willow. "Eileen he is your father, dont use that kind of language even though he is" said sirius as Regulus as aria couldn't take him serious. As we all had claimed out of the tunnel the sun was slowly setting at the herzion. Sirius held tight to petters arms as remus looked from down the hill that looked over the hill as me, aria, Fergus and Regulus sat on a rock.  "Who is the head of slytherin now" asked Regulus as i got a bit use to the company  that he was giving  all of us as while Remus and sirius delt with Petter. "Severus Snape, hes a bit of a grouch" said Fergus as i heard foot steps from the other side of the hill. "Well Severus gets anything he wants" exclaimed Regulus  as he rolled his eyes as i heard a stick break and i  turned my head to look were the stick was broken and it was my dad pointing his wand at Regulus. "Step away from the kids" said my dad as regulus stood up on the rock as Remus turned around. "Its not like i done nothing wrong Severus, your the one that's been hiding a secret really good" said regulus as he tapped his arm as my dad twisted his wrist. "What dose Regulus mean, dad" i said as i looked at him as i jumped of the rocks. "He dose not know what he's talking about" exclaimed my dad as the clouds began to move and the moon became visible as i  could see Remus’s silhouette. He had gone rigid. Then his limbs began to shake. “He didn’t take his potion tonight! He’s not safe!” “Run,” Sirus yelled. “Run. Now.” But I couldn’t run. Aria and Fergus  sat on the rock as sirius let go of Petter and went for remus. He leapt forward but Sirius caught him around the chest and threw him back. “Leave it to me — RUN!” There was a terrible snarling noise. Remus’s head was lengthening. So was his body. His shoulders were hunching. Hair was sprouting visibly on his face and hands, which were curling into clawed paws. Petter went for remus wand and slowly brought it towards him self. "Expelliarmus" i yelled as my godfathers wand flew up in the aria and fell onto the ground but befor i could realize there was a pile of clothing on the floor and a rat running into the forest. My dad jumped in front of me as remus let out a howl and a black shaggy dog now stood in front of him. "i told you aria" i yelled as Remus  and sirius started to fight as before we all new it a fox joined in. "Remus, sirius and regulus" i yelled as the three of them fell down the hill.  "Eileen do something" yelled aria as i took my wand out of my jacket sleeve an took a deep breath and took a run for it. I ran around my dad an ran down the hill. "Eileen! No" yelled my dad as Fergus stood up on the rock. "Go save them" he yelled as my dad gave them a look.

As i walked throw the forest as i followed the howls of my godfather  an the cry's of a fox an a dog. As i came to a stop to look at the soundings as i heard a tree branch break. As i turned with my wand lit up by lomus.. I was face to face with Remus.. Not really remus but the beast. Remus let out a howl as i slowly moved back as he came closer. Remus lifted up his arm getting ready to scratch my face i prepared for the worst.. Im going to die, by the hand of my own godfather. I closed my eyes as i felt the breath of the beast of my face but i was saved by another howl. As i opened my eyes remus began to run the otherway.

I began to walk down a dirt path as i followed the cry's of a fox. I began to ran as the cry's became closer, i came to a stop as i saw regulus laying on a frozen lake holding on for his life. I began to cross the frozen lake to get close to him as the ice crackled beneath my feet. "Regulus" i said as i got on my knees as i checked if he was still alive as he looked like he went throw a wood chopper legs first. "Eileen" he said softly  as the temperature in the forest begin to drop and the plants really begin to freeze around the pond. I stood up as I so my breath in the cold air tightened my grip on my wand. As i looked up i saw Dementors surrounding us like we were their prey. As I stood close to regulus, do Dementors came towards us as the one started to take the happiness away from regulus I pointed my wand towards them and does that as I could I yelled "expecto patronum" but the spell didn't work. The wonderment are began to suck out the happiness for me as well as I heard screaming of a woman. I fell into the ground next to regulus but for I could pass out I saw a blue horse like creature with wings charged at the dementors as i closed my eyes..
Only two more chapters of book three! I cant wait to start writing book 4, until thoughts 2 chapter are done you'll have to wait! Until the next chapter remember  to vote and follow is you like my content!

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