chapter 5:Eavesdropping

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As weeks had past since Aria found out that her dad is still alive and still has not confront Sirius about it yet, but I could tell she did not want to.

As we both sat at a table in the Leakey Couldron Aria moved her spoon in her cereal back and forth as I was slowly trying to keep awake. "Eileen" said Aria as she tapped my head. "Did I miss something" I said as my head popped up.

"No you didn't miss anything, but I think I see Harry" she said as she pointed behind me and I turned there stood Harry with Ron laughing.

"He'll notice me soon" I said turned back around and laid my head on the table. "how will he notice you anyway" asked aria as I lifted my head up a bit. "I'm the only other girl with red hair other then The Weasley girl" I said as I out my head back down on the table..

"Your right about that, but what happens if you had black hair" said aria as she let out a chuckle. I sat up straight and let out a chuckle.. "Then I'll be a better looking Harry" I said sarcastically as Aria let out a laugh as we were losing our minds.

"What are you laughing about" said Harry as him and Ron walked to us. As I started to claim down to respond to Harry. "Nothing Harry, but how was your trip to Egypt" I said as Harry sat down next to me as Ron went to sit next to Aria.

"It was fun, Percy was almost trapped in a pyramid" said Harry with a smirk. "it was bloody funny" said Ron as he sat down. "What happened when we were gone" asked Harry as I looked at Aria and she nodded.

"Aria learned that her father isn't really dead but escaped Azkaban" I said as Harry eyes widened as he looked at aria but he was at lost with his words.

"Bloody hell Aria.. Isn't that bad" said Ron as he looked at aria but she stayed silent. "Ron, Most people that are in Slytherin.. There parents are in Azkaban like Fergus Crouch. He's father has been in Azkaban for a very long time and he's being raised by his grandfather" I said as I looked at Ron as he scratched his nose.

"A lot of bad people come out of Slytherin" said Ron as Harry kicked him under the table. "ow, what was that for" said Ron as he rubbed his leg. "My dad was in Slytherin Ron" said Harry as he gave Ron an evil look.

"Sorry, I forgot" said Ron as he looked at me and aria as she shook her head. "But Aria, do you think it's safe for you to go back to Hogwarts" asked Harry as he looked at Aria as aria let out a sigh.

"I'll be fine, after all I have uncle Remus and you guys if something happens.. You and Eileen saved me once before you'll do it again" said aria as I smiled. "We will do it.. No matter what. I know you'll repay us one day" I said with a chuckle as she shook her head with a response.. "I'll help you even if it involves me being​ gone for almost a year" said aria with a chuckle.

"But wait, lupin will be teaching at hogwarts" said Harry as he looked at me and Aria. "Ya, Remus will be taking over.. Since we got rid of that Lonny bin" I said as Harry let out a chuckle


As everyone went off to bed me and aria still sat at the table we were once at a few hours before but we went to Diagon ally for a bit.

"Eileen, don't you know about uncle Remus and uncle Sirius" said aria as she lifted up her tea. "did something happen between them" I asked as aria took a drink off her tea and sat down the cup.

"My uncles are like a married couple.. They have been together since there 5th year of Hogwarts. He just wasn't disowned because he was friends with your mom and was a Gryffindor, he was disowned for loving Remus" said Aria as she let out a soft yawn. "Aria, your family is messed up" I said as she shook her head up and down.

"My family is totally barbaric, my grandmothers portrait lays in Grimwald place and screams at my uncle for have his filth in our house and how my dad was her favorite and it should of been his house" said aria as I flipped throw my book.

"That's why my parents chose Remus and Sirius as our godfather.. They knew we would not of gotten split up" I said as I closed my book. "Possibly" said aria as she let out a sigh.

A few minutes had passed and I saw Mr.Weasley and Mrs.Weasley walk into a Room.. Then slowly followed by sirius..

"Aria, you saw that" I said as the door shut. "Ya.. That is weird, wanna go listen" said aria as she looked at me. "Let's do it" I said as she nodded in agreement.

Soon we both had our ears up against the door as the talking started. "Sirius, dose Aria know her father isn't dead at all and the he broke out of Azkaban" said Mrs.Weasley as she knew was worried for aria..

"She thinks he still dead.. Me and Remus have been trying to hide it" said Sirius as he pushed his hair back.
"Sirius, it her father you have to tell her" said Mr.Weasley after he cleared his throat.

"He's my little brother,
I chose to tell her when I'm ready" said Sirius as he had a bit of sadness in his voice. "are you sure it safe to send her back to Hogwarts" said Mrs.Weasley questioning Sirius as he pushed back his hair once more.

"I'm sure, my brother won't do anything.. She's his daughter after all an Remus will be there" said Sirius as he sighed. "What did Regulus do again Sirius" asked Mr.Weasley as he cleaned his glasses.

"He was caught with a few death eaters an supposably plotting the deaths of Lily and James.. All he had with him was his wand, a locket and a photo of me and him as kids" said Sirius as we heard people sand up.

"Aria.. Let's go" I said as I grabbed her hand as she stood still in shock.. "Aria" I said as she finally bugged.


As we reached the room I plopped down on a arm chair as aria sat on her bed pushing her black hair back. "I'm sorry Eileen.. I did know" said aria as I saw as her eyes became red.

"You didn't know what was happening aria.. It's not your fault" I said as I blinked with a bit of anger.
"But when I see you father I'm going to kill him" I said as she looked at with a bit of sadness but a bit happy.

"Don't kill my dad.. Just jinx him" said aria with a chuckle. "Sure I'll jinx him" I said with a chuckle as well.

Hey guys sorry I was late with this chapter, I have been getting ready for school. With school coming up that means a bit slower up dates.. I start on the 17th of August.
I hope you guys enjoyed this long chapter.. If you did remember to vote if you liked the chapter and follow if you haven't already!

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