chapter 11: The boggart

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As I looked over the bridge that lead to Hagrids as i watch the birds fly under the bridge as i taped my fingers on the wood railing. I took a deep breath as I slowly closed my eyes.
"You know your mother did that same thing" said a voice as I opened my eyes and right next to me there stood Remus leaning on the railing next to me.  "She did" I questioned as I looked at him as he smiled as he looked at the river before​ he said something. "She did. She said it reminded her of the smell of an river she used to live by" said Remus as he looked at me as I saw that he had a new tiny scar that went across  his noise that he tried to cover up.

"Remus, may I ask something" I asked as I looked at Remus as he nodded. "Ask away young doe" said Remus with a smile as I did not realize what he had called me. "how did you get that scratch on you noise" I said as I pointed at my noise. Remus lifted his hand and rubbed his noise were his scar was. "Oh, that one. I got hurt helping Sirius at the house getting rid of boggarts from a closet" said Remus as he looked at me as I got a closer look he looked like he was sick. "Boggarts, what are they" I asked as I looked at my God father as he gave me a smile. "Glad you ask but you will have to wait for tomorrow to find out" he said as I looked at him as I didn't want to wait but in Remus eyes I could tell he wanted to tell me. "Why do you always leave me on a limb" I asked as I gave him a sad look. "Your smart you can look for it The Library" said I godfather as he had a smirk on his face.  "it's always library the library" I said as I look at my God father as he gave a chuckle. "I heard you spend  most of your time there Anyway" said Remus as he crossed his arms and leaned against the railing. "I do.. An Un-healthy amount of time according to aria" I said as I let out a sniffle as Remus let out a sigh.. "Don't let her fool you,  she spends  most of her time arguing with Sirius over stuff that doesn't make sense" said Remus as he looked at me. As he looked at me one more time, it looked like Remus was truly telling the truth and that he was sick. "it was bad before you came over this summer.. She told Sirius that he should of died and not her father. That really hurt him" added Remus as he looked at his Shoes.  "I bet it did, when I found out my dad wasn't really dead.. That Made me happy but sad at the same time, he left us with my aunt and uncle who put me and Harry in a cubbered when we were 2 to until we ran away" i said as as my eyes let a tear fall and I slowly wiped the tears away. "Your mother's sister has always been a jealous person, but an off talk, you must be off.  Dinner  is about to start" said Remus as he limped away towards Hagrids Hut.  "Remus what about you, aren't you coming to dinner" I asked as he was a few feet away. "i won't be at dinner, an old friend of mine invited me for tea" said Remus before​ he limped off towers Hagrids bright glowing Hut in the distance.


As a day had passed since I talked with Remus last night, I walked  towards the defense against the dark arts tower as a certain ghost was hanging around the classroom door.. Well he isn't a ghost but a poltergeist.. It was peeves. "oh look,  the smart potter.. Hope you're night mares don't come true" said peeves before​ he disappeared. "What in bloody hell" I said under my breath as I walked in to the class room to see all of the desks were pushed against the wall and a wardrobe stood tall in the middle. "Eileen" said aria as she walked over towards me.  "your not going to believe what  my uncle cought this weekend" added aria as every one in the classroom was in groups. "He got a boggart" I said as I slid off my bag and took my wand an put it in my front pocket. "He cought a bog-wait how do you know" said aria as she looked surprised. "he told me last night" I said as I place my bag against the wall. Before​ aria could say anything Remus walked in.  "Come every one gather around" he said as he walked over towards  the wardrobe. We all gathered around him as he cleared his throat. "Any one knows what a boggart it" said Remus as my arm shoot up.. I have to admit I did read up about it. "Eileen Potter" said Remus as he pointed at me. "A boggart takes form of what you fear" I said as Remus nodded  and said something. "Correct Eileen, now repeat after me" said Remus  as he sniffed. "redickulous" he added as we all chanted "redickulous". "Alright, every one line up" said Remus as everyone's pushed people to get into line and I end up being behind Ron..  "Neville, looks like your first" said Remus as he walked over to a record player and started it then walked over towards the wardrobe.

"I heard you have a fear of professor snape, Neville" said Remus as Neville shook his head up and down an the hole class began to laugh. "Don't worry, every one was scared of him to.. "Don't you live with your grandmother correct" said Remus as Neville gulped. "I don't want it to turn to her either" said Neville as the class let out another chuckle. "Just imagine snape in your grandmother clothing.. Are you ready" said Remus as Neville nodded and he opened the wardrobe, I saw my dads hand slowly open the door and as he stepped out I thought I would never be afraid of my dad until I saw him walk out of a closet like that.

"All right Neville wand at the ready" said Remus as Neville drawled his wand and pointed at the thing that looked like my father. "redickulous" yelled Neville as the boggart began to spin and there stood my dad in old woman clothing as I let out a chuckle softly did Remus and Harry. "Great job Neville! Great job!" said Remus as Neville as was proud of his self and it gave me a bit of a chuckle seeing my dad like that.  As the other people went it was my turn as I stood in front of the spider on skates came towards me as I held out my wand..  The boggart began to spin but as it stopped spinning I stood with my wand drawn in silence as the hole room stood in silence.

There stood Voldemort and at his feet laid Harry and Remus back to back dead at his feet.. My greatest fear was of Voldemort killing the ones I love the most... I dropped my wand out of my hand as Voldemort steeped over Remus and Harry's body to get to me..  Remus quickly jumped infront of me, kicked my wand aside and drew his wand.  As he did that Voldemort slowly turned into a full moon with clouds. "redickulous" he yelled and the boggart went floating around over every one's head and flew into the wardrobe. With the flick of his wand the door shut and locked itself. "Eileen.." said Remus as he turned around as every one turned to the door that slowly shut.. I had left the classroom in fear

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