25: Regulus warning

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POV: Severus Snape
As the Children slept soundly, even Eileen snoring in the other room after the indent with harry an draco. I sat at my desk with the fire cracking as i finished grading the finals for potions that i had left over from before i left Hogwarts. As i sat down my pen, my study turned into a bright green then back to normal.

As i looked up there stood Remus a bit of a panic. "its not the full moon is it remus" i asked as i saw remus take a deep breath as the a new scare lined his face. "It about eileen" exclaimed Remus as he had always been worried for my daughter even when she was with my muggle sister-in-law. "Sit Remus" i said as a red arm chair appeared in front of my desk an remus took a seat.

"Regulus is looking for eileen.. Not to kill her but protect her" said remus as i lifted an eye brow in confusion. "Remus, you can go to jail for having contact with him, you know how the Ministry is by experience" i exclaimed as he gave out a sigh. "I know but it is a chance i have to take. He is my brother-in-law an he got out to save her" said remus as i nod as a moving photo of eileen and remus laughing sat on the mantle of the fire place.

"Why dose he want to save her Remus from, he has his own daughter or did he forget" i asked as remus as he cleared his throat as i his.Moves. "Just give him a chance Severus, for your daughters safety an My god-Dughters safty" said Remus as he had always been worried for eileen even when he found out she was with Petunia an he tryed so hard to get eileen.

"I will give it a chance Remus, but if it is something outrageous Remus.. We never speak of it again" i stated as i slowly watch remus eyes slowly fade in to a more light green then i could remember. "just remember what he did for lily" said Remus as he crossed his arms an took a a deep breath. "He heard who must not be named is still alive an when he is back to his full strength he will be coming for The three of his best servants children" said remus as i rubbed my left arm as it was a part of my past an the only person that knew about it was lily and Lucius, the 17 year old me was pushed in to doing it by lucius who thought it was a good idea.

"who are they then" i questioned as i pushed it off a i tapped my foot under the desk. "He's coming for Eileen, the Crouch boy and Aria" exclaimed remus as he looked at me as i took a deep breath. Eileen has to live in her brother's shadow as he is destined for greatness as she just a nobody like everyone else. "How can i be a death eater Remus, you know i cant do that.. If i was, i would be killed for marrying lily" i asked as i looked at a him as he shook his head in despointment as he could tell i was lying to him. "Severus, we both know that's a God damn lie" said Remus as he gave the same eye look i give to the children in my potion classes.

"Fine.. I am a death eater, i have been one since i was 17" i exclaimed as i rolled up my left sleeve to show a tattoo that was a bit faded that had a small scar across the snakes head. "Did she know.. Did lily know about this" said remus as i slowly put down my sleeve as how much agitated i saw remus was an it wasn't even a full moon. "Lily, did know.. She was not happy with it, i can tell you that much" i said as remus shook his head some more. "Just keep her safe Severus, for Lily's sake.. If you mess up once Severus, ill keep her safe" said remus as he stood up and walked to the fire place an disappeared into the green flames. As Remus left, i pondered on what lily would say if she was still here...

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