31: the Marauders

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"Eileen Lily Snape, why in bloody hell did you walk out of her class" exclaimed my dad as we both stood in a empty corridor as he looked at me. "This happened a month ago, an your just getting on to me about it now" i said as i looked at him as his black eyes pierced mine. "Ive been busy for the past month doing my job" said my dad as i clinced the side of my pants leg. "but can you take time to take care of the both of us.. Remus an Sirius been more of a parent then you have for the past year" i said as i let go of my pants leg as my dad just look at in sorrow. "taking off is hard with this job" exclaimed my dad as he looked at me. "Then how dose remus have time to take off a week every month" i said as my dad took a deep breath "Eileen" said my dad as he looked at me as my eyes became red. "don't eileen me dad" i said as he looked at me before i walked off As my dad just stood there as he looked at the spot were i was standing a few minutes ago. As i walked up the stairs not trying to cry, i heard Aria and Fergus and arias voice from behind me. "Hey eileen wait up" said fergus as his and Arias followed me outside. As aria got closer to me she saw that i was trying not to cry. "Eileen what happened" she asked at we walked down the path that lead to the womping willow. "Snape happened" i said as fergus cought up with us. "What did snape do" asked fergus as we came to a stop from bottom of the hill that the wommping will stood on. "Him being himself" exclaimed aria as i looked down at the ground as i saw a rat that looked like scabbers running between my legs being followed by a black and gray fox. "what in the bloody hell was that"i exclaimed as i watched then run up the hill up to a black shaggy dog. "The grim" said aria as she pointed at the black dog as the wommping willow stopped and the fox grabbed the rat an ran into the tree that had a tunnel sized hole. "After that grim" i yelled as the three of us ran up the hill as the tree began to move as  fergus slid into the tunnel as i was his life. As me and Aria got close to the the tunnel entrance the tree swept us way from the entrance as fergus yelled from the hole. "The tree began to move" yelled Fergus as i yelled as i stood back up as aria stood back up with me. "You dont say" i yelled back as i ran forward  back towards the tree as aria ran behind me. "At the count of 3 we are going to slide in to the hole" i said as we both doged the branch of the Whomping Willow. "Got it" said aria as she jumped over a branch. "One, two" i yelled as we ran towards the tunnel as one of the branch came sweeping behind us."Forget  three.. Just bloody slide" i yelled as we both slide fit first into the tunnel and hit the floor with a thud. "That was something" i said as i stood up and dusted off of my pants as aria did the same. I took out my wand as i cleared my throat. " lumos maxima" i said as i done the wand move menta and the dirt tunnel was lit up and so was Fergus face was as well as dirt cover his face as aria gave out a small yell. "What in Merlin's beard happened to your face" said aria as i gave a chuckle as he patted his face. "Some of us weren't lucky  to land on our asses" said Fergus in his Scottish accent as i began to chuckle even more as i held my wand in my hand even with the light blinding me. "you landed on your face" i said as aria joined me as he rolled his eyes. "Haha, every funny.. Can we get going please" exclaimed as me and aria cought our breaths back an my eye sight wasn't blurry any more. "Sure, let get going" i said as we began to walk  ahead in the tunnel.

As we got to the end of the tunnel  there was stairs leading up to an old hatch that was letting a bit of sun light through. As I open the hatch I saw mini footprints that led upstairs. As a three of us climbed out of the hatch as my spell faded away. we started to follow the footprints up the stairs as you can tell there were two animals here.. As we got halfway up the stairs we started to hear voices of people that we know along with another one. "I finally got that rat" said a voice as we got to the door a Fergus whispered softly were only me and aria could hear. "We in the shrieking shack" he said softly as i nodded as i saw that the door was cracked. "we are.. But take out your wands" i said as they drew there wand from were they had it hidden. I put my hand on the door as i heard another voice that sounded like sirius as i saw that the paw prints lead into the room. "Reggie, we see that you have him" said a voice that sounded like sirius coming from the room. "Uncle Sirius" said aria as i fully  pushed opened as we still weren't seen by the three people. "Who's there" said a person who sounded oddly like Remus. "if you dont show your self, i will take points away" added remus as we all three gave a sigh.. That was the last thing we wanted is for us to lose points for our house. "Come on guys" i said with a sigh as the three of us came around the door. As we got to the other side of the door, i saw who the third person looked like kinda like sirius. The man was a bit taller then sirius, he had straight black hair with a full strand of Gray hair that was in front of his gray eyes that were like Aria, as he wore a Azkaban outfit while sporting a gotte. "Aria an eileen, this isn't what you think" said remus as aria kept on looking at the man that kept looking at the rat. "Remus and Sirius, you been hiding a Criminal in here on the hogwarts ground" i said as i ran my hand throw my red hair as i looked at my godfather. "Just hear me out eileen" said remus as aria finally said something as fergus put his hand on her shoulder. "Let me get this straight.. That guy right there is my dad" asked aria as she pointed at the man as you could see A tattoo throw his ripped shirt that had R.B on his shoulder.  "that your is dad.. But who is he" asked sirius as aria started to study her dad. "That is Fergus Crouch" i said as he shrugged his shoulders as the man who i am guessing is Regulus started to look closely at Fergus as he began to shake his head. "I fell bad for ya kid.. You dad went a bit bonkers" said Regulus as he tapped his temple with the free hand that wasn't holding a rat.
As the three of us sat  on the old dusty sofa waiting for an explanation  as regulus sat on a chair holding on to Scabbers as he was his last meal. "were should be begin" said remus right before a cough as he looked at Remus.. "Lets start with the map" said Sirius as remus got done from coughing. "are you talking about the map that i had at the beginning of the year that  showed the location of people made by moony, warmtail, padfoot and prongs" i asked as i looked at my godfather as Regulus looked at me. "She got to use the Marauder's Map, an I've askes to use it in my 6th year" said Regulus as his brother gave a sigh an looked at him. "She found it Reggie, we got it taken away in our 7th year" said Sirius as remus quickly put up a finger to correct him. "You, james and petter were the ones to get it taken away" said remus as fergus was whispering in arias ear. "but me, sirius, james an Petter made a made the map to get around hogwarts under our alias.. Moony, wormtail, padfoot an prongs to get around hogwarts at night" said moony as i started back on the werewolf theory i had about Remus. "but that all changed when your dad came asking us to help to hide you, harry and your mum.. We jinxed our friend james into believe you two were his children an lily was his wife, so lily changed your guys last name from Snape to Potter.. Then a few months later our friend Peter gave up the location to you know who to your brother.. Then that fateful nite he faked his death by" said remus befor i stood up. "Cut off his finger" i exclaimed as sirius nodded an smiled at me. "Bingo" yelled Sirius as he pointed at his younger brother. "Then the blame of your mums and James death was put on to my younger brother Regulus then he was sent to to Azkaban in stead of Petter going an him faking his own death" said Sirus as he looked at the rat in Regulus hands. "Then were is he" i asked as Regulus  stood up as he held scabbers and pointed at him. "His Ass is right here" said regulus as sirius looked at his little brother angrily. "Regulus.. There are children here, this isnt Azkaban" said sirius as his brother gave out a sigh. "He's just a rat" said fergus as aria nodded in Fergus response. "A dumb one to be exact" said aria as sirius gave her a silent thumbs up. Regulus  let go of scabbers and then remus and sirius went at him with spells like they were in a dual. Regulus took my wand from my hands and sent out the final spell that turned back into human As he ran through a mouse hole to get away. "What in the bloody magic was that" i asked as regulus handed me back my wand.. "He's an animagus, like Sirius and i" said Regulus as remus as Sirius pulled the man up from the now out broken wall.. The man looked like a rat himself he is short, buckteeth and slowly bolding on the top An you could tell he was missing a finger. "Remus and sirius my dear friends.." said the Man as the both of them held him up.  "We are no friend of yours" snarled Sirius as the man looked up at the three of us as we three were standing up. "Lily, my dear friend please tell them i done nothing" said the man as he tried to get closer as regulus stood infront of us an i have to admit he dose have a small Oder. "Thats not lily little you rat.. That her daughter" said sirius as he pulled him back an put his wand to the neck of the man. "i should kill him remus.. Here and now" said sirius as he dug the wand into the mans neck. "Sirius my mum wouldn't of want want to to kill Petter" i said as remus as sirius looked at each other  and regulus looked put the window. "Guys.. We should get going" said Regulus as he pointed out the boarded up window that showed it becoming dusk..

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