Mick Rory getting together

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"You should tell him Allen." Sara said walking beside me.

"Yea me the sister of the flash tell him a thief that likes to burn things that I like him." I said glaring at her.

"It would be fine."

We walked into the center of the ship and saw that everyone was there.

"Mrs. Allen I have a mission for you and Mr. Rory." Rip said not looking up.

"Not happening I'm not working with goody two-shoes." Mick said frowning.

"Yea I'm not working with that." I said pointing to Mick.

"Yes you two are and you will be acting as husband and wife." Rip said smirking.

"Can't I act like that with Ray?" I asked frowning.

"No you and Mick and if you don't Mrs. Allen I will send you back to spend time with your brother." Rip said smiling.

"Fine but only because I'm still mad at my idiot for a twin brother." I said frowning and walking away to get a outfit.

"The year is 2025!" Rip yelled.

I walked into the changing room and had her get me a dress that would go with this time.

"Flash junior hurry up!!!!" Mick yelled.

"God shut up!!" I whined walking out in the dress.

I stopped in front of him and told him to hurry up before walking away

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I stopped in front of him and told him to hurry up before walking away.

"Wow you look hot are you sure I can't go with her Rip?" Ray asked liking me up and down.

"It may look real if you d..."

"No it's Mick this is the only time I'll see him clean up." Sara said winking at me.

"And because Allen likes him." Leonard said smirking.

"Sara I'll kill you!" I yelled glaring at her.

"Or you could thank her. Mick likes you back sweetheart." Leonard said smirking.

"Captain it's time Mr. Rory is waiting outside." Gideon said.

I walked out to see Mick in a suit. I may have stared a little to long.

"Something on my face?" Mick asked frowning.

"No I'm just surprised to see you in a suit." I said walking some behind him.

We made it there and we were told that we needed to act normal.

"Dance with me." I said looking at Mick.

"I don't know how." He said looking away embarrassed.

"Put your hand on my waist and lead." I said showing him.

We danced for a while until we got info that they got what they needed. We made are way back.

"Here." Mick said handing me his jacket.

"Thanks." I said wrapping it around my shoulders.

"He was lying." Mick said looking away.

"Who was lying?"

"Leonard was lying when he said I liked you."

"I know." I said sadly.

I started to walk ahead of him and I felt an arm spin me around. I then came face to face with a smirking Mick.

"He was lying because I'm in love with you." Mick said smirking at me.

"I love you too." I said smiling.

He reached up and cuffed my cheeks before leaning in and kissed me softly and passionately. I wrapped my arms around him and he then picked me up and carried me the rest of the way. I snuggled into him and fell asleep next to him.

"Your mine now Y/N." Mick said kissing my head.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now