Leonard Snart Break up

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We were having a mission were we had to trick a woman into giving us something. Leonard and Ray were on this mission while I was stuck with Sara.

"Do you trust him that much?" She asked me.

"Yea I know he wouldn't do anything to mess up our relationship."

After they got back we had to go and stop a machine which ended with almost everyone getting caught including me.

"Your the girlfriend of that one guy right?" The woman asked.

"Yea what's it to you?" I asked glaring at her.

"He has very soft lips."

She then left and I was dragged away. We endured torture and then we escaped with the help of Leonard. When we made it to the ship I gave Ray a kiss on the cheek and the walked to my room.

"Okay what's up?" Leonard asked walking into the room.

"What do you mean?" I said reading a book.

"You kissed Rays cheek the only place your lips better be is on me."

"Like when you kissed that woman?"

"That was different."

"How I kissed him on the cheek for helping Mick and me."

"Oh and I don't get a kiss?"

"No how about you go and kiss her because I hope I never have to kiss you again." I said glaring at him.

"Fine then I don't care anymore. You were just a toy to me anyway." Leonard said walking out of the room.

"I hate you Leonard Snart....I HATE YOU!" I yelled crying.

"What happen Y/N?" She asked hugging me.

"I was wrong he doesn't care about our relationship I mean nothing to him." I sobbed.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now