Leonard Imagine

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Imagine that you are Mick's sister and in love with Leonard and he finds out after you kiss Barry.

"Hey what's up?" Your best friend Barry asked.

"Bored waiting for my brother and Snart." I said sighing.

"Hey I got a ideal.... what if we make Snart jealous." He said smirking.

"How?" I asked.

"We fake kiss in front of him."

"Do you want my brother to kill you?"

"Or we say we kissed." He said giving me a "I don't wanna die" look.

"Deal cause I still haven't had my first kiss." I explain.

"Which is sad really."

"I will kill you." I said.

Just then I saw my brother and Leonard pull up.

"Hey sis.... Barry." Mick said annoyed.

"I'll see you later Y/N and maybe we can have that kiss again." Barry said smirking and walking away.

"Did he say kiss?" Mick said running after Barry.

"You kissed him?" Leonard asked.

"Yea what's it to you?" I asked curiously.

"Just thought he wasn't your type."

"Well I guess you were wrong..... and anyway what do you think my type is?"

"Me.... men like me." He said seriously.

"Well maybe if men like you would step up and ask a girl out then woman like me wouldn't have to go and have a fake kiss!" I said angry.

"So you didn't kiss him did you."

"No I didn't because I see that moron as only a friend a great friend d who is probably dead." I said looking to see where Mick was.

"So you fake kissed some one to make me jealous."

"What makes you think it is you?" I asked angry.

"Maybe because you can't seem to ever look at me Rory." He said smirking.

"Say my name!!! For once don't label me as Mick's sister!!" I yelled angry.

I turned away from him and made my way to find Mick when I felt a hand stop me.

"If I say your name.... it's real." Leonard said turning me to face him.

"What is real?" I asked confused.

"If I say your name it's real that I care for you.... care for you more than you being Mick's baby sister."

"What if I want it to be real?" I said looking up at him.

"Then tell me to say your name again and I will." He said looking down at me.

"..... say my name Leonard." I said quietly.

"Y/N." he said and kissed me.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. His hands were in my hair and my hands where running up his chest. He backed me into the car and pulled me into him. His lips were cold and he tasted of hot chocolate. We didn't pull away until we heard someone clear their throat.

"Can I help you Mick?" Leonard asked pulling away.

"Yea we need to get home do can you quite making out with my sister until I drop you both at her place." He said smirking.

"Sure." Leonard said pulling away from me and straightening up his jacket.

We all got into the car and made our way to my house where me and Leonard where dropped off as soon as we made it inside my back was against the wall and Leonard was kissing me again.

"I love you." I said in between kisses.

"Y/N I love you to." Leonard said as he kissed my neck and lead me to my room.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now