Leonard imagine

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Imagine being Leonard's ex and seeing him after you broke up with him a few years back.

"Hey (Y/N) come here!" Joe yelled smiling at me.

"What's up Joe?" I asked walking up to him.

"Barry needs your help we are working with Captain Cold and his sister." He explained.

"As in Leonard Snart?" I asked.

"Yea so can you help?"

"Sure." I said walking away.

We made it to the lab where I saw Leonard and Lisa. I sighed walking down the stairs.

"Hello beautiful." Cisco said wolf whistling.

"Hey that's my sister!" Barry said slapping Cisco.

"Sorry." Cisco said smiling.

I sighed sitting beside Caitlin.

"Hello (Y/N) it's been awhile." Leonard said smiling.

"Hello Lisa its good to see you." I said smiling at Lisa.

"You to." She said laughing.

"Seriously your not gonna talk to me?" He asked annoyed.

"No I don't talk to cheating slobs." I said pissed.

"I didn't cheat she kissed me I didn't kiss back." He whined.

"Sure you didn't." I said as we started the mission.

After it was done I left to go home and get some rest. I opened the door to see Leonard on my couch.

"I could call the cops." I said annoyed.

"I know but you won't because you love me." He said smirking.

"No I don't." I said glaring at him.

He stood up and pulled me into him. He kissed my cheek and smiled down at me.

"I hate you." I said trying to pull away.

I felt his lips on mine and the one thing I thought was "screw it." I kissed him back wrapping my hands around his neck.

"Tell me you love me." He said pinning me to the wall.

"I hate you." I whined.

"Lier." He said kissing my neck.

He stopped and looked me in the eyes and I sighed.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I know." He said kissing me again.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now