Leonard Snart getting together

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"Hey sweetheart." Snart said walking up to me.

"Hey dick for brain what can I do for you?" I asked looking up from my journal.

"I need your help making a cake for Sara." He said smirking.

My heart dropped like always the only time we spoke was when we were talking about Sara and he asked me about her all the time.

"Sure what's it for?"

"I'm gonna ask her out." He said smirking.

I got the ingredients and started to mix them together while he heated the oven up. I put the cake in and started to make the icing.

"What flavor is this icing?" He asked.

"It's white icing with blue food coloring in it." I said laughing.

The next thing I know I have icing on my face, and I turn to see Leonard smirking.

"You didn't." I said glaring.

"Yea I did what you gonna do about it kid?" He asked challenging me.

I grabbed some icing and smeared it on his face. He grabbed my hand and pinned me to the table. He smirked and started to lean in and.................... then the timer went off. I ran and took the cake out and put it on the table were we iced it.

"So what are you putting on it?" I asked grabbing the white icing.

"Let me Sweetheart." He said smirking.

I walked over to grab two bears which I froze and then when he said he was done I handed him one.

"Look at it." Leonard said pointing to the cake.

"Date me Sweetheart?" It said with a winking face.

"That's cute I'm sure she will love it." I said forcing a smile.

"Y/N your a idiot." He said smirking.

"Excuse me I just helped you how am I--" I was cut off with him pinning me to the counter and kissing me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He picked me up and seat me on the counter while not breaking the kiss.

"Well I see you two are finally together." I heard from the door way.

We pulled away to see a smirking Sara looking at us.

"So you finally asked her out I see Snart." She said winking.

"Yea I did now do me a favor and leave so I can continue kissing her." Leonard said pulling me closer.

"Okay oh and Y/N just so you know I'm not straight I'm bi." Sara said winking and walking out of the room.

"So you don't like her." I said calmly flushing.

"Nope I like you sweetheart." He said kissing my neck.

He picked me up and carried me to his room where he laid me down and cuddled into me.

"Hey dick for brain.... I hope you know your mine." I said kissing him.

"If that means your mine I'm fine with it." He said hugging me.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now