Mick Rory Secrets

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It has been almost a week since Leonard killed Mick and even though I broke up with him I still miss him. Mick was the only person that I have ever loved. Well he use to be but here I am now having test done because I've been sick.

"So Gideon what is wrong with Mrs. Allen?" Martin asked.

"I am detecting a small heartbeat. I believe Mrs. Allen is with child." Gideon said showing me the scan.

"Congratulations Y/N you are going to be a mother." He said smiling at me.

"And Mick would of been a father." I whispered walking away.

I walked to the center of the ship where everyone was and seat beside Ray.

"Gideon told us congrats Y/N you'll be a great mother." Ray said smiling.

"Ray didn't we say not to bring it up." Sara said glaring at him.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Leonard asked walking over to me.

"Yea sure." I said walking away.

"Hey I never wanted to hurt Mick but I had to."

"I know and I'm fine now...... I'll be fine I don't hate you Leonard." I said walking back in the room.

"Mrs. Allen you will have to return home so you can be safe with the child." Rip said smiling at me.

We then had to go to a time where no one liked it. I was stuck on the ship because a pregnant lady shouldn't fight. I seat in the same seat while they were on their way back. It wasn't long before I heard foot steps.

"Finally what took you guys so long?" I said turning around.

I stopped when I turned around to see Chronos, who was walking towards me. I backed up and fell hitting my back on the ground.

"Okay please don't hurt me." I said as I crawled backwards.

He kept walking over to me and until I yelled "please I'm pregnant!". When I yelled that he stopped walking for a second before he turned clicked some buttons and then grabbed me and took me to his ship.

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

He placed me on a table in I think the medical station. He clicked some buttons and then I saw the same scan that I saw earlier. After seeing. It he handcuffed me to the table and left. I tried to get out of the handcuffs but I couldn't. I decided that I would just rest until he came back. When I next woke up I saw him coming into the room with a plate of food. He handed it to me.

"Do you really think I'm gonna trust the guy trying to kill me and my team." I said glaring at him.

"Take it or don't but I know for a fact you haven't ate anything yet and that isn't good for your unborn child." He said in a scratchy voice.

"Why do you care about me and my baby? Why didn't you just kill me?" I asked softly.

"It doesn't matter." He said walking away.


I feel back asleep and this time when I woke up I was in my room and Sara and Kendra where there with me.

"What happen?" I asked sitting up.

"Chronos captured you we have him in a cell right now." Sara said sadly.

"What do you know who he is?"

"Mick...... he is Mick." Kendra said softly.

"I need some time to myself." I said quietly.

They left the room and I started to cry. Some how Mick was alive and now he knew about the baby.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now