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I let out a groan as I hit the ground, Mick fell beside me and I set up and sent the team a glare as they smiled at us.

"Now you two have fun. We will be back in three days. Try not to kill each other." Sara said with a smirk.

They took off and I fell back on the sand.

"I hate those guys." Mick said with a frown.

"Join the club." I said as I kept my eyes closed.

"You know this is your fault." Mick said after awhile.

"My fault! You are the one who always picks a fight with me!" I snapped as I stood up.

"Me! You are the one who always messes up." He said with a growl.

"Really because you're the only one who thinks I mess up." I said with a frown.

"The others won't say anything cause they are to nice. I'm not nice." He said as he stood up and looked around.

"Isn't that the truth." I said as I looked for a place to sleep.

I built a tent and then looked for food. After searching for awhile I returned to see Mick having trouble with his own tent.

"Need help?" I asked calmly.

"I got it!" He snapped annoyed.

"Alright, but I asked." I said as I climbed into my tent.

After I heard him grumble and cuss for twenty minutes I got up and grabbed the tent from him.


"Oh shut up! I want sleep and the only way that is going to happen is if I help you with this tent." I said a so started to put it together.

After I finished the tent I walked back over to mine and crawled into it. After falling asleep I was woke up to a sound. I set up and screamed as I saw a raccoon on me. I threw it off and jumped out of my tent. Mick jumped up and ran out of his tent with his gun out.

"What happen?" He asked sternly.

"Raccoon! In my tent!" I squealed as I backed away.

He pointed his gun and before I could say anything he burned my tent down and the raccoon ran out of it.

"There." He said as he turned to get back into his tent.

"Seriously! Where am I going to sleep now!" I asked angrily.

"Doesn't matter to me." He said as he fell asleep.

I let out a sigh and I plopped down under a tree. I laid back against it and tried to fall asleep. After a hour of trying to fall asleep I let out a groan and kicked the dirt.

"If you are going to be a baby and whine alright get in here." Mick said from his tent.

"I'm not a baby, and I would rather freeze then be in a tent with you."

"Fine with me." He said calmly.

I laid back against the tree until I felt water hit me. I started to shake and then I heard Mick let out a sigh. I looked up to see him leave his tent and walk up to me. He picked me up and I let out a squeak.

"Put me down!" I ordered.

"Shut up."

He threw me into his tent and then crawled in after me.

"Get out of those clothes." He ordered.

"Excuse me! I'm not like tha-"

"I don't want my blankets wet." He said calmly.

"Oh...." I said as I started to take off my jeans and shirt.

I crawled under the cover and laid my head on the ground. I closed my eyes after awhile and fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning my head was on Mick's shoulder. I smiled softly and fell back to sleep, when I woke up next it was to Mick gently shaking me awake.

"What?" I asked with a frown.

"Get up I gotta pee." He said calmly.

I rolled over and off of him and watched as he got out and left to use the bathroom. Soon he returned and I raised my eyebrow at him as he handed me a plate.

"What's this?" I asked as I set up.

"Food. Looks like boy scout packed us food."

"Boy scout? You still call Ray that?" I asked with a smile.

He started to eat and I smiled softly as I started to eat also. After we ate I stretched and got out of the tent.

"I'm going for a swim." I said calmly.

"Better not drown cause I'm not going in after you." He said as he leaned against the tree.

I rolled my eyes at him and dived into the water. After I had been swimming for awhile I smiled as and idea hit me.

"Help!" I screamed as I dove under water.

I raised back up and started to act like I was drowning.

"Mick help!" I screamed as I went under again.

Soon I was grabbed and raise up. My arms wrapped around a neck and I looked up to see Mick.

"Thought you wouldn't go in after me." I said with a smile.

"Didn't want to deal with everyone if you died." He grumbled.

"Why are you like that? Why do you always hide your true feelings?" I asked softly.

"We should get out of the water." He said as he tried to swim away.

"Not until you answer me." I said as I tightened my grip on his neck.

"It's all I know. I wasn't able to show my feelings when I was a kid. Didn't have a dad who let me..... didn't have a mom who cared." He said softly.

"You have a team who will let you and...... and I care." I said as I looked up at him with a small smile.

He looked at me shocked and I looked away.

"We should go bac-"

I was cut off by him leaning down and kissing me. After a few minutes of his lips against mine I pulled him closer and kissed him back. We pulled apart after awhile and I looked up at him with a smile o my face.

"Looks like we missed a lot." A voice said.

I turned to see the team and I hid my face into Mick's chest.

"Thought you said you were leaving us here for two days." Mick said annoyed.

"Yea, but we decided to come get you early. Now get in lovebirds." Sara said with a laugh.

After getting everything we had back on the ship we got on and I let out a sigh as I walked to my room. I stretched out on my bed and smiled as I fell asleep.

Week later

"For the last time! I didn't eat all of the peanut butter!" I snapped angrily.

"Had to be you! No one else has been in the kitchen!" Mick snapped.

"Okay all I got from the kitchen was a drink! Why not blame Ray! He likes peanut butter!"

"Boy Scout doesn't have the pair to eat all of it." He said angrily.

I pushed past him and walked to my room with a smirk on my face.

"Well it seems that didn't last long." Ray said calmly.

I made it to my room and plopped down on my bed. Soon the door open and Mick walked in with a book. I scooted over and let him lay beside me.

"So how long we going to be acting like we hate each other?" I asked softly.

"Until they figure it out." He said as he flipped the page.

I shook my head and smiled as I leaned up and gently pecked his lips. I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled as I listened to him read the book.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now