Leonard imagine

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I was my room when I heard a knock. I looked up to see a smirking Leonard Snart.

"What shameless flirting so you have for me today?" I asked sighing.

"Just wanted to see the most beautiful woman." He said smirking.

This is a daily routine where he comes to my room and flirts with me and the follows me around until Mick or Rip need him. It started the day we met, he had sent me a smirk followed by a "did it hurt when you fell from Heaven.". Since then he comes up with the cheesiest flirts.

"So what flirt do you have today?" I asked laughing.

"You know I value my breath so it would be nice if you didn't take it away." He said smirking.

I laughed and then left the room.

"If kisses where snowflakes, is send you a blizzard!" He yelled after me.

"Okay a ice flirt that is cute I gotta admit." I said laughing.

After he left I set down a blushing mess. At first I saw Leonard as a flirt who would it on anything with legs, but now I'm slowly falling for the idiot who has only flirted with me.

"Hey (y/n) what's up?" Sara asked walking into the kitchen.

"Running from Snart... the usual." I said laughing.

"I swear he don't know how to quit."

"Yea but if he did I don't think my day would be good." I said smiling.

"Oh my god!!! You like with Leonard Snart!" She yelled happily.

"What no.... maybe."

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't like him." She said sitting in front of me.

"I.... don't..... oh screw it I like him." I say laying my head on the table.

"Good to know I gotta go now have fun." She says happily as she leaves.

"What do you mean hav-"

My eyes went wide as I saw Leonard at the door smirking.

"How long have you been standing their?" I ask standing up and backing away.

"First thing I heard was."oh my god Leonard is so hot!" From you." He said smirking.

"I never said that!"

"So you like me?"

"Yes I like you now hurry up and tease me so I can go hide." I said sadly.

I heard his feet start walking and then I saw the top of his shoes.

"Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?" He asked smirking as he stopped in front of me and raised my face to look at him.

"I-" I was cute off by him gently kissing me.

It was a soft kiss filled with passion. It was one of the softest kisses I have ever had and the quickest. It left me wanting more.

"If you want more kisses then you gotta go on a date with me." He said smirking.

"I'd like that." I said smiling as he pecked my lips again.

"Good... oh and I like you too." He said walking away.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now