Leonard breakup

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So Mick told me something and I want to make sure that it is true before I hit my boyfriend. I walked into see him packing a bag.

"Leonard Snart what are you doing?" I asked angry.

"I have a job I have to go I shouldn't be gone to long." He said not looking up.

"So you aren't traveling through time to steal..." I said angry.

"(Y/N) I..."

"Don't this is the fifth time you have lied to me. I'm done in leaving for good." I said walking away.

"Hey wait one second you are not aloud to leave me!" He said grabbing ahold of me.

I grabbed a vase on the table and hit him over the head with it.He fell to the ground and looked up at me.

"Try me." I said as walking out of the house and to my car.

I drove to Barry's house and walked inside to see him talking to Joe.

"What happen to your hand?" He asked rushing over to inspect it.

"I hit my boyfriend over the head with a vase." I said calmly.

"Let's get you to the hospital." Joe said helping me to the car.

They drove me to the hospital and the doctors looked me over and had me take a test because I started to throw up.

"Well Miss Allen it looks to me that you are pregnant." The doctor dad smiling.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now