Mick imagine

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I was in my leggings and white shirt with messy hair when Sara called me to her office. She told me that I had a mission where I was being a duchess and Mick was my driver. I had to wear a long dress with my hair down with a side braid and make up which went against everything I have ever wore.

"So why can't you or Vixen do this?" I asked.

"Because you look just like her and the boys and Amaya want to see you in a dress." Sara said laughing.

"I hate all of them." I said angry.

I went and got dressed and went to meet up with Mick.

I went and got dressed and went to meet up with Mick

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(Hair style)(doesn't have to be that color)

(Hair style)(doesn't have to be that color)

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I walked to the car and saw Mick I'm a suit. He turned around and for a second I thought his eyes had popped out.

"Well look at you. Who knew you could get this dressed up." He said whistling.

I rolled my eyes and got into the back of the car. He got in the front and started to flirt with me the whole way to the event. After we got out he followed me inside.

"Now Mick don't do anything stupid like go home with one of these ladies." I said glaring at him.

"The only one I wanna go home with is you beautiful." He said smirking.

Cue the eye roll. I left his side and spoke to some of the women to see if they had seen the person we were looking for. It wasn't long after I left he ran right back into me.

"Hey baby how about we leave early?" He asked smirking.

"Still need to find the woman we are looking for." I said angry.

"Fine.... guess the plus side to that is I see you in that dress... though it would look better on my floor." He said as he winked and walked away from me.

"Why do I like him again?" I asked laughing.

I then checked around again and after about three hours I ran back into Mick who once again started to flirt.

"Hello beautiful." He said smirking.

"Have you ran into the woman we are looking for?" I asked groaning.

"What's wrong with you baby?" He asked putting his arm around me.

"I have been here for six hours and had to deal with your shameless flirting and I still haven't ran into her and my feet are killing me."

"How mad would you be if I told you I found her three hours ago?" He asked smirking.

"Sara did he find her already?" I asked in the ear piece.

"Yea he said he wanted to keep seeing you in your dress." She said laughing.

"Okay I'm leaving." I said walking away from Mick.

I made it to the door and then a slow song came on and I felt Mick grab me and spin me into him. He slowly took my hand and started to dance with me. 

"No way are we leaving without me getting one dance with you my duchess." He said smirking.

We danced for a little bit and then we left to get back to the ship. I walked to my room and changed back into my shirt with leggings. I kept my hair the way it was and went to the kitchen. Before I went there I walked past Mick's room and heard him talking.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why did I listen to boy scout? I should of just asked (Y/N) out like I normally do with girls. Why did I have to make it different with her? I'm a moron." He said groaning.

I smiled and knocked on his door. After a few seconds he opened it.

"What can I do for you (Y/N)?" Mick asked.

"What's this about you getting dating advise from Ray?" I asked smirking.

"Oh well you see.... I wanted to..... I was trying to..... oh fuck it." Mick says smashing his lips on mine.

I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck deepening it. I felt him nip at my lips asking for entrance but I teased him by not allowing it. I felt his hand on my butt and gasped allowing him to slip his tongue. We had a fight for dominance, which he won. I pulled away and he lead his forehead on mine.

"Well that's one way to tell a girl your interested in them." I said laughing.

"What can't a guy kiss his girl?" He asked smirking.

"Your girl?"

"Yep mine which means only my hands, feet, lips, and arms are allowed to touch you or hold you."

"I can handle that." I said laughing as he brought me into another kiss.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now