Mick Rory Your death

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We were fighting Savage and I was helping Leonard.

"Come on Y/N we need to run!!!" Leonard said as I followed him.

"I'm coming!!!" I said grabbing a gun.

The plan we had made failed and now I was running with Leonard to escape. Mick was with Ray and Rip.

"Hey babe are you okay?" Mick asked over the com.

"Yea I'm fine."

"Kay I'll see you on the ship."

I kept running until I ran into someone. I looked up and saw Savage.

"Well look what we have here." He said smirking.

I looked up in time to see him have a knife which he stabbed me in the stomach with.

"Y/N!!!!!" Leonard yelled before everything went black.

Mick POV

Leonard made it to the ship and I looked for Y/N.

"Where is Y/N?" I asked walking up to him.

"Savage..... stabbed her." He said through tears.

"Okay where is she."

"He killed her..... I'm sorry she is gone Mick."

"No......no.......no." I said my back against the wall.

I slid down the wall and broke down. Snart left the room and had everyone follow him. I cried silently and looked at the picture I had of her in my wallet.

"I'm so sorry babe...... I'm so sorry." I said sobbing.

I got up and walked into my room where I looked at the picture of our triplets.

Third person POV

It has been a week since the death of Y/N and Mick has stayed in his room the whole time.

"It looks like their team is falling apart."  Savage said walking into a room.

"You won't win!!!" A woman yelled.

"Oh my dear I already have." He said laughing.

"Mick will find me he always does!"she yelled.

"Oh Y/N he will never find you. He thinks you are dead." He said closing the door.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now