Snart date night

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So I had just left work and was on my way home when I noticed that my door was unlocked. I sighed as I grabbed my gun out of the flowerpot and walked inside. It's almost Christmas and like always I have to have some type of break in to ruin the holidays. I walked into my living room and sighed putting down my gun.

"Hello Icy." Leonard said from my chair.

"Lenny I could have shot you." I said glaring at him.

"Yea but you didn't so I think you owe me a date." He said smirking.

"You couldn't have called first like normal people." I said angry.

"Nope if I did that then would I have hot cocoa oh and the flash has som sucky cocoa he doesn't have any marshmallows I checked." Leonard said smirking.

"You just love to break into over people's houses don't you?" I asked sighing.

"It's best when there is a beautiful woman."

"So what do you have planned Snart?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Well you and me are going to have dinner at a restaurant bar." He explained.

"Fine let me get my jacket." I said walking up the stairs and grabbing my leather jacket.

I came back down to see Leonard looking at me and smirking.

"My eyes are up here Snart." I said glaring at him.

"I know but I couldn't help myself." He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist taking me outside to his motorcycle.

"What is it with you and Mick using these?" I asked laughing.

"Well they are very easy to ride and it means special someone's get to be pressed up against my back." He said winking at me.

We made it to the bar and stepped inside and got a table. Leonard left to get us drinks while I ordered the food. When he got back we talked and ate our food.

"So what made you leave?" Leonard asked all of a sudden.

"My mother had been killed and everyone blamed my father...... my brother Barry needed me and I knew one day I would get caught." I said taking a sip of my drink.

"Barry Allen?" He asked.

"Yea you met him?"

"He is the Flash..... you didn't know did you?" He asked shocked.

"Oh I'm gonna kill him for not telling me." I said angry.

"Don't say I told or he may find out we are on a date." Leonard said winking.

"Or about me being Icy..... the date I wouldn't care what he thinks about." I said smiling.

We finished up with the dinner a then Leonard drove me home where I invited him inside for some hot chocolate.

"So you invite me back into your house...... are you falling for me already?" He asked smirking.

"In your dreams Snart." I said laughing.

"Lenny.... don't call me Snart it sounds weird coming from your lips." He said softly.

"Alright Lenny I guess I'll see you later cause I have to get some sleep." I said kissing his cheek.

"What no kiss on the lips?" He asked smirking.

I smirked and made it look like I was going to kiss him and instead I kissed the side of his lip.

"Night Lenny." I said shutting the door in his face.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now