Leonard imagine

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Imagine that you are best friends with Barry Allen and know his secret and you have feelings for Leonard Snart, a guy you use to date in high school. Also you work with Joe, you're his new partner.

"(Y/N) why for you hate me?" Barry asked whining.

"I don't hate you, I just don't wanna help you make a fool of yourself." I said laughing.

This is the third time this week Barry has sped over to my house to ask me for relationship advice and if I would talk to Iris. I may be his best friend, but he just needs to man up and tell her. Which lead to him following me around and asking for my help.

"(Y/N) we have a case Barry you might wanna come with." Joe said walking into my office.

"Sure thing." I said following after him.

We made it to the crime scene to see a lot of ice. Number one guess that it's Cold.

"Leonard Snart paid a visit here with Mick Rory they weren't alone they had a guy no one knows with them." Joe explained.

"Hey Barry come look at this!" I said walking over to a goo.

"I have no idea what that is." He said grabbing something to pick it up and put it in a container.

"You think it's time for the Flash and Snowy to pay Snart a visit?" I asked looking at him.

He shook his head yes and we left to go to STARS Labs. I put on my black leather suit with my blue mask, black knee high leather heel boots, and changed my hair to blue with my powers. Oh did I mention that I am a meta human who controls ice and water.

"Be careful remember no getting it." Cisco said to Barry.

"Yea Flash we don't need you sick." I said laughing.

"I hate you and your immunity to not get sick." Barry said glaring at me.

Barry picked me up and we sped to Colds place. We ran into him and Rory, but they weren't alone.

"So I finally meet the great Snowy." The man said smirking.

"And you are?" Barry asked confused.

"Luther (y/l/n) why are you here?" I asked looking at my brother.

"Helping out my sisters ex. We have a common interest we won't you two out of the way so we can do whatever we want." Luther said laughing.

"Your sister would be disappointed in you." I said angry.

"Why because I'm like the guy she still loves.... or because I'm not a cop like her and dad?"

"Because you never where a good fighter." I said hitting him through a wall with my powers.

We all started to fight and then out of nowhere I was knocked out.

Flashback moment

I woke up on my bed and got ready for school. After getting dressed I ran outside and got into my boyfriends car.

"Hey baby." Leonard said kissing me.

"So skipping school today or going?" I asked smiling.

"Going and after I have to talk to you." He said pecking my lips again.

"Okay lets go."

He started the car up and we made it to school and went to class. I had all periods with him so I always seat beside him. After school we went to the place we met.

"I'm leaving school." He said softly.

"Okay and doing what?" I asked softly.

"You know what."

"Lenny you promised you wouldn't go to that life! How are we going to be together if I'm a cop!" I yelled.

"We aren't. I can't have any loss ends so bye."

"Do I not mean anything to you?"

"No." He said walking away.

I started to cry and I ran home into my brothers arms. I went to sleep with him holding me.

Flashback end

I woke up to see I was on a bed. I raised up to see I was at the lab. I grabbed my head and groaned.

"Hey how do you feel?" Caitlin asked walking into the room.

"Like I got hit by a bus what happen?" I asked softly.

"Mick Rory hit you over the head with a very hard object which made you loss your mask and your hair return back to normal...... they know who you are and.... Luther is outside with Snart and Rory." She explained.

I leaned back and closed my eyes. She slowly left and the tears fell. I had a dream about how Snart destroyed any chance of happiness for me. All I want is to go home and sleep.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" Barry asked walking into the room.

"They still there?" I asked.

"Yea Luther wants to talk to you."

"Let him in. Only him." I said softly.

Barry left and in came Luther who looked worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me.

"I'm fine so why did you decide to become a villain?" I asked softly.

"After dad.... you know."

"Got murdered..... you think he would want this."

"No he wouldn't but.... he isn't here he never was there for us..... he always worked." He said angry.

"Hey I miss him too but I don't let that make me something I'm not Luther.... trust me I have to fight that anger in me." I said softly.

We talked up until it was time for him to leave and then Snart came into the room.

"So you became a hero." He said smirking.

"And you are still a thief." I said sitting up.

"I did steal a lot of things."

"Yea like my trust and happiness."

The smile on his face disappears and was replaced with sadness.

"I never wanted to do that." He said softly.

"You did though you took my heart and crushed it." I said angry.

"I had to. Could we have been together if I was a criminal and you a cop?" He asked.

"You didn't have to be a criminal Leonard and I didn't care if you were or are."

"I do because you deserve better you always did.... just like my dad told me."

"If you are telling me you left because your father said you weren't good for me I swear to god I will kill you Snart." I said glaring at him.

I saw him gulp and I slapped him across the face. I then grabbed his face and smashed my lips to his. He was at first shocked but then he kissed me back pulling me into him. His hand wrapped itself in my hair pulling me closer.

"I never finished speaking that day..... you don't mean anything you mean everything." He said softly.

I kissed him once more smiling as he hugged me tightly.

"I love you always will." I said softy.

"Love you more." He said smirking.

"Not possible."

"Oh but it is."

"Oh but it an't."



"Lets agree to disagree."he said smiling.

"Sure but I love you more!" I yelled running away.

"Get back here and let me love you more than you love me!!!!" Leonard yelled chasing after me.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now