I like one

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"I like Leonard." I said softly.

"Thank god because I can't stand to hear him talk about you another second." Sara said happily.

"He talks about me?" I asked shocked.

"Your all he talks about. I mean he is in love with you." Sara said smiling.

"I feel the same way but I don't want to hurt anyone." I said sighing.

"Tell him." Sara said pushing me to Leonard's room.

I was in front of his door and was about to knock when Sara knocked for me. I glared at her and then went to leave but the door opened to a socked Leonard.

 I glared at her and then went to leave but the door opened to a socked Leonard

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"What can I do for you (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Umm I well you see I......"I couldn't find the words because I was staring at his bare chest and birding my lip.

"Yes what is it?" He asked smirking.

"Oh screw it!" I yelled smashing my lips to his making him back up.

I felt him freeze up and then he slammed me against the now shit door. His hand went in my hair and he kissed me back feverishly. I moaned into the kiss but we were stopped from doing anything else because there was a knock on the door. Leonard opened it to see a smirking Mick.

"Here use protection." He said smiling.

"Your not mad that I chose him?" I asked scared.

"No you like him it's fine I'm not gonna lose my partner in crime over it." He said walking away.

After he left Leonard closed the door and we finished where we started.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now