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"I still don't see why girly is on the team. She can't even fight." Mick said with a frown.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Sara said with a smirk.

"Oh I'm not judging her by her looks. I'm judging her about how when a fight starts she runs the other way." Mick said with a chuckle.

"I bet she can knock you on your ass." Sara said crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'll take you on that bet." He said happily.

"What do I get if I win?" I asked annoyed.

"If you win Mick has to do whatever you want for a month." She said happily.

"And if I win you gotta be my personal maid for a month. Maid outfit and everything." He said with a wink.

"Alright. You got yourself a deal. Hey Sara go collect bets from everyone the winner gets half." I said with a wink.

She smiled as she left the room and I went to my room to grab my workout clothes. After changing I walked in to see Mick shirtless.

"Ready?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh yea." He said turning to face me.

I put my hands up and we started throwing punch after punch. After awhile I threw a hard punch and he caught it and tried to bend my hand back, but I countered it and flipped him over and made his back hit the ground. I straddled his waist and held his hands over his head.

"Do you give?" I asked with a smirk.

"Dream on. I'm lookin forward to you being in that maid outfit." He said flipping me onto my back.

"Dream on baby." I said pressing my lips to his and flipping him back onto his side and twisting his hands.

He groaned and I smiled happily.

"Give up Micky?" I asked happily.

"Fine! I give!" He yelled.

I let him go and got off of him. I helped him up and walked into the room to see everyone had put there bets in a box.

"Who won?" Ray asked with a smile.

"Girly won." Mick grumbled.

I heard most of them groan and I smirked.

"So Sara who voted against me?" I asked cheerfully.

"Everyone except me and Snart." She said with a laugh.

"I bet they all wish they would have known about me being the sister of Oliver Queen." I said with a laugh.

"Your Mr. Queen's sister?" Martin asked shocked.

"Yep. Oh and Mick...... come to my room at eight and I'll tell you what you have to do." I said with a wink.

I walked to my room and got everything I needed. When it got seven thirty I changed and then waited for Mick to come to my room.

"So what do you want me to d-." He stopped talking as soon as he saw what I had on.

" He stopped talking as soon as he saw what I had on

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He smirked as I stood up and walked up to him.

"Happy birthday." I whispered before kissing him.

Time skip

I woke up to wearing one of Mick's shirts and snuggling up to him.

"Morning." I said with a small smile as I saw he was awake.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked with a smirk.

"Very funny. So now that all the fun is over it's time that you get to know what you have to do for me for a whole month." I said cheerfully.

"And that is?" He asked with a smile.

"Not lie."

"What?" He asked confused.

"Whenever you are asked a question you can't lie. No matter what." I said with a smirk.

"Alright. I can do that." He said with a chuckle.

"Good so. Two days ago why where you late coming back to the ship?" I asked with a smile.

"I..... gotta go." He said standing up and rushing out of my room.

"MICK RORY YOU GET BACK HERE AND TELL ME NOW!" I yelled jumping up and running after him.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now