Mick imagine

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Imagine that you are the sister of Cisco Ramon and instead of Dante you are kidnapped and Mick flirts with you the whole time.

"This is your fault!" I yelled at my brother.

"I'm sorry I didn't know they would kidnap you!" He tried to explain.

"I swear I hate your job!"

"Will you two quit whining?" The man in blue asked.

"No we won't!" I did glaring at him.

"I like this one she has fire in her eyes you sure we can't keep her?" The big one said smirking at me.

"No you can't keep my sister!" Cisco yelled angry.

"Mick take the girl to a separate room I'll talk to him." The guy in blue said smiling.

I was untied and the guy named Mick helped me up.

"Got it Leonard." He said taking me out of the room.

We walked to a bed room and e had me sit on the bed. He seat down in a chair and looked at me.

"So never did ask what's your name?" I asked looking around.

"Mick Rory or Heatwave as your brother calls me." He said watching me like a hawk.

"The guy in blue what's his name?" I asked curiously.

"Leonard Snart or Captain Cold."

"So why kidnap me?"

"We need guns and your brother is the only on who can make them we kidnapped you into make him make the guns." He explained.

"I see."

"You know I still can't see how you are related your beautiful and he is annoying." He said smirking.

"Well we can't choose our family if I could I wouldn't want them as my family they want me to be a little princess.... what happen to your arm?" I asked looking at it.

"Burned it.... on a heist I got carried away and caught myself on fire." He said fixing his jacket.

"Don't." I said stoping him from covering it.

"It suits you the burn it.... it's hot." I said looking away.

He went to say something but his friend Leonard came and said that me and my brother were free to go. I got to my brother and we left I went home and he went to see his friends. I laid down and decided to get some sleep. It wasn't long until I woke up to a text message.

(Hello beautiful )- unknown

(Who is this)-Y/N

(The guy with the hot burn 😉)-unknown

(Mick? How did you get my number?)-Y/N

(While you were out cold I stole your phone and got your number.)-unknown

I changed his name in my phone as Hotstuff.

(So what do you need?)-Y/N


(What?)- Y/N

I didn't get a reply instead there was a knock on my door I ran to open it and when I opened it I saw Mick.

"What are you d--"

I tried to ask him but he backed me up against the wall and smashed his lips against mine. The kiss was rough, lust filled, and passionate. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"I want you...." he whispered pulling away.

"Why?" I asked shocked.

"I don't know I just know I care for you and I want to protect you."

"Kidnap me again please..... don't make me stay here where I have to put on a fake smile." I said looking up at him.

"Grab whatever you want to bring." He said kissing me one more time.

"Thank you and I know what you mean about wanting but don't know why.... I feel the same for you." I said going to grab somethings.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now