Mick Rory cuddles

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"Yes Barry I am having a baby and yes you can come visit next week.I said over the phone.

"Is that your brother?" Mick asked walking up behind me.

"Yea it is.... I'm talking to Mick not you Barry.... I got to go..... bye love you to." I said hanging up.

"Well that took forever." He said laughing.

Me and Mick left the Legends so we could have the baby away from danger. Leonard has also left because he doesn't wanna stay with out me and Mick there.

"Mick you know I love you......" I said smiling up at him.

"What do you want?" He asked frowning.


"I don't do cuddles."

"Fine." I said getting up and walking to my room.

I laid down and tried to get some rest. Right now I am five months and my stomach is getting bigger. I laid my hand on my stomach and closed my eyes.

"Mick get in here!!!" I yelled raising up.

"What is it is something wrong with the baby?" He asked rushing into the room.

I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach.

"The baby kicked...." he said holding his hand on my stomach.

He set down beside me and laid his head on my stomach. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Okay your getting that cuddle time." He said raising up and wrapping me into his arms.

I cuddled into him and placed his hand back on my stomach. I closed my eyes and sleep finally over took me.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now