Mick imagine

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Imagine that you are Leonard's sister and you have a crush on Mick. Lisa knows and she will not let it go and one day Mick asks about it.

"Lisa please shut up!!!" Y/N said angry.

"No you should tell him so you can get yourself a man!" She said happily.

"How about you tell Cisco about your crush on him!"

"That is different our brother and him hate each other."

"Our brother and Mick have tried to kill each other!"

"Out of love." she said smiling.

I got up and left the room to go see what the boys were up to.

"Hey my beautiful sister what's up?" Leonard asked smiling.

"Planning to kill Lisa." I said sitting down beside Mick and putting my feet up.

Leonard's phone rang and he looked at the text.

"Lisa you and me gotta go Flash needs our help!" He yelled grabbing his gun.

"Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do." I said laughing.

Leonard laughed and kissed the top of my head before leaving. Once he was gone Mick laid down and put his head in my lap.

"Why do you always do that?" I asked laughing.

"Cause I want to." He mumbled.

"Why do you think my lap says property of Mick Rory?"

I saw him smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"You are a perv you know that Mick."

"So Icy......what's going on with you and Lisa?" He asked after a while of silence.

"Oh it's nothing..... she is trying to have me tell this guy that I like him."

"Who is it maybe I can talk to him." He said looking up at me.

"I don't think you could." I said sadly.

"You must really like him...... he must be a lucky guy."

I caught a hint of sadness in his voice and I sighed.

"Yea let's say he is a real hothead sometimes and he likes to set stuff on fire...... he also likes to lay his head in my lap when ever my brother isn't around." I said looking away.

"Icy look at me...... Y/N look at me." He said setting up.

My head snapped to look at him and I saw that he had a smile on his face.

"For the whole time I have met you..... you have never called me by my name it's always Icy......" I said shocked.

"Maybe cause I was afraid if I said it I wouldn't be able to stop myself from doing this."

Before I could ask what he was talking about I felt a pair of rough lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I moaned into the kiss and he flipped us to were he was above me.


We pulled away from each other to see a peed off Leonard looking at us.

"What' does it look like.... I'm kissing the love of my life so if you would please leave I would like to continue." Mick said sarcastically.

"We will talk about this latter..... go to your room." Leonard said angry.

"Good idea." Mick said getting up and carrying me to his room.

He had me open the door and then he closed it with his foot before laying me on the bed. He took off his shirt and then went and grabbed another one.

"Here put this on." He said handing it to me.

I took my cloths off and slid the shirt over my under garments.

"Thanks." I said sliding under the covers.

He slid under after I did and grabbed me pulling me into him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Did you mean what you said..... about me being the love of your life..." I asked cuddling into him.

"Yea I did I love you.... I always have." He said looking down at me.

"I love you to." I said kissing him.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now