Leonard imagine

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Imagine that you work with Leonard and have always cared for him and one day he is kidnapped and you and Lisa have to try and get him back with the help of Flash.

"We need the Flash's help." I said as we ran into Cisco.

"Lenny has been kidnapped." Lisa explained.

"Why didn't you help him?" Cisco asked.

"We were both knocked out the last thing we saw was him being thrown into a van." I explained.

They told us they would help us and in the end we found out that me and Lisa had bombs in our necks.

"Why put one in mine?" I asked confused.

"Maybe because my brother loves you." Lisa said smirking.

"Yea and Mick hates fire try again." I said angry.

"That would explain it." Flash explained.

"Listen Leonard Snart doesn't and will not ever have feelings for me." I said glaring at them.

They got the device out of us and stopped Leonard and Lisa's father, who Leonard killed. Luckily for us we got to see Leonard before Flash took him to jail.

"Why didn't you call me you Jerk?" Lisa asked angry.

"Cause he was watching me and he would have killed you both and I don't want to find more help." He said looking at me.

"Dude that's just cruel." Cisco said.

"Why did he want Y/N if she is only a hired hand to you?" Flash asked smirking.

"You act like you know something so spit it out Flash." I said angry.

"Nothing.... I gotta take him back to prison now so have fun." He said grabbing Leonard.

"I don't wanna know." I said walking home.

It wasn't until Christmas that Leonard escaped and showed up at my house. There was a knock on my door and I opened it to see Leonard.

"So how did you escape?" I asked leaning against the door frame.

"Old friend who escaped helped me now can I come in?" He asked smirking.

I moved out of the way and let him in while I grabbed two beers and gave him one.

"So done any jobs?" He asked taking the beer.

"No been busy trying to keep Mick out of jail." I said opening the beer.

"How's Lisa?"

"Fine still causing trouble."

"And how are you?"

"Same old same..... I have a question what did the Flash mean when he asked why your pops wanted to use me against you?" I asked looking at him.

"Nothing it's not important." He said looking away.

"Fine.... you know your sister told me a funny reason why he used me against you.... she thought that you were in love with me... isn't that funny?" I asked trying to lighten up the mood.

When ever he didn't laugh I looked over at him to see him watching me.

"It isn't true is it?" I asked looking over at him.

"If you don't want it to be then it isn't." He said standing up.

"What if I want it be true then what would you say?" I asked.

I saw him freeze up and look at me. It was like he was trying to see me lying but couldn't. He walked over to me and grabbed a hold of my hand bring me against his chest.

"Then I would do this." He said leaning down and kissing me.

I ran my hands up his chest and to his shoulders pulling him into me. I kissed him back with equal passion. One of his hands moved from my waist to the back of my head and wrapped itself into my hair pulling me closer to him.

"I love you." I whispered as we pulled away from each other.

"She was right the reason my dad took you was because I'm in love with you.....I always have been." Leonard said hugging me.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now