Leonard Reunion

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So two months I haven't spoken to Leonard after the accident. I am now eight months pregnant. Today my brother has asked for me to help him out with the Legends who are good friends. I walked into the room to see them and Leonard who looked shocked to see me.

"Legends I'd like you to meet my sister (Y/N) also known as Icy." Barry said happily.

"Pleasure to meet you I am Rip Hunter." The man in a trench coat said smiling at me.

"Nice to meet you Rip." I said smiling.

Barry laughed and then explained what we were all going to do my job was staying here for radio and medical attention. After they were done talking I felt a wetness poor down my legs and pain.

"Barry... we have a problem." I said softly.

"What is it?" He asked confused.

"My water just broke." I said taking a deep breath as pain ran through me as I grabbed onto a desk.

"Call a ambulance now!" He said looking at Joe.

"She won't make it the traffic is horrible..... does anyone know how to deliver a baby?" Iris asked.

"I do I had to help my wife deliver our son." Rip said softly.

"I can't do this Barry I can't." I said as a scream ran threw my body.

"Hey I'm here squeeze my hand as hard as you need." Leonard said holding my hand.

Rip told everyone to get some things and after about three hours I had my son.

"Look at him he is so cute." Sara said smiling.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked Leonard softly.

He shook his head yes and I handed out son over to him. The look on his face made all the anger I had for him wash away.

"Hi little man.... I'm your dad." He said smiling.

"Lenny I'm sorry about the vase." I said softly.

"Don't I should be sorry that I kept lying to you..... I promise I'm not going anywhere." He said pecking my lips.

"So what's his name going to be?" Barry asked smiling.

"(S/N)(-son's name) Mick Snart." Leonard said kissing my cheek.

Mick smiled and I gave him a hug before the ambulance took me and (s/n) to hospital for a check up and to make sure we were fine.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now