Mick Imagine

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Imagine that you are a legend and whenever Mick leaves to join the Legion of Doom and he has a crush on you.

I was walking into the my room to read when Sara told me that Mick had sent a message telling us what the League of Doom was up to. I ran the center of the ship and Sara told us that Mick was betraying the League for us.

"How can we trust him I mean this could be a trap?" Jax said angry.

"No he wouldn't betray us that isn't the Mick we know." I said glaring at him.

"Yea and we are gonna listen to the girl who is I love with him."

"That is enough we are going to trust him." Sara said as Rip walked into the room.

We all left and like we were told they where about to use the staff. We stopped them and then sent the men to their original timelines and wiped their memories. We the started to fix the timeline again. It has been a week since that day and Mick has not stopped helping everyone.

"I can't believe Mick got me a drink..... I didn't even ask him." Ray said shocked.

"I know he keeps helping me clean my room nonstop..... and have you seen his it is a pig stock." Jax said confused.

"Guys maybe Mick is just trying to make up for betraying us all." Vixen said smiling.

I walked out of the room and ran into Mick.

"Okay Mick what's going on?" I asked leaning against the wall.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Why are you acting so strange? Helping everyone out." I said smiling.

"I was trying to impress someone and maybe earn their forgiveness for joining the League of Doom."

"Mick who ever it is..... they are a idiot because your a great guy.... the way you are is great by the helping everyone because you feel you have to." I said smiling.

"So you like me better as the old Mick?" He asked smiling.

"No I like you as Mick Rory the common criminal named Heatwave."

"I'm glade." He said hugging me.

I hugged him back and then I heard giggling.

"Awwww so cute Mick did all that for (Y/N)..." Ray said smiling.

"Who knew he had a soft spot." Jax said sarcastically.

"Hey you think she can make him a softy? Nate asked smirking.

"I mean they both like each other so yea I know for a fact (Y/N) likes him." Jax said laughing.

"And I know Mick likes her back!" Ray said happily.

"I think she might let him attack you." I said smirking.

"Run!" They screamed running away from us.

I laughed and then felt arms wrap around me.

"So you like me?" Mick asked smirking.

"Maybe.... maybe not..... I guess you'll never know." I said running away.

"Come back here!!!" He yelled chasing after me.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now