Mick imagine

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Imagine that you are apart of the legend but are Barry Allen's nerdy sister. You become friends with Snart and Mick and you go on a mission with Mick.

"Hey Y/N your with me on this mission." Mick said walking up to me.

"Okay so what do we have to do?" I asked curiously.

"We have to act like a married couple." He said smirking.

"Act like a married couple? Okay." I said laughing.

We got ready and went to the house that we had bought for this. I made some food and then the neighbors came over to talk to us. Our neighbor was my dad and mother.

"We wanted to welcome you." My mother said handing us a pan.

"Thank you this looks amazing please I just made dinner how about you all come in." I said smiling.

"Thank you I'll go get our children." She said walking over to get them.

She came back with me and Barry.

"This is Barry and Y/N I'm Nora and this is my husband Henry." She said smiling.

"This is my husband Mick and my name is also Y/N." I said smiling down at them.

"See there is other people with your name pumpkin." My dad said smiling.

"I'll go get the food." I said walking into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna help her." Mick said following me.

"You okay?" He asked wrapping his arms around me.

"Yea just seeing her it is different." I said smiling up at him.

"Just remember we need to play our parts." He said grabbing the food and taking it in there while I grabbed some cups and drinks.

"So how did you meet?" Little me asked.

"We met at work our boss really introduced us to each other.... my brother told me about him." I explained.

"Was it love at first sight?"

"No at first I listened to what my brother told me and I stayed away from him.... but in the end he became my lovable moron." I said smiling at Mick.

"You better be lucky I love you." Mick said laughing.

"That is so sweet." My mother said, " I hope you two stay together for a long time."

"Same for you two you are amazing people thank you for welcoming us." I said smiling.

They left and we got everything ready and left we then were given a invite to meet at a party back home.

"I think we should all go." Sara said happily.

"Same." Ray said.

"Lets go my morons." I said laughing.

"Hey I'm your only moron." Mick said smiling.

"No your my only lovable moron there is a difference." I said kissing his cheek.

I went to find a outfit and Mick followed me.

"So why are you getting dressed up?" He asked.

"Cisco I use to like him when I was home and now that I'm coming back and seeing him I want to look nice." I explained.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now