Mick 2

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"Oh no not happening." I said as I stood in front of Sara.

"Come on you should talk to him it's been two months and we are working with him." Sara said as I walked away.

"Not happening..... I can't face him." I said walking into my room.

"Tell him!" She whined as I shut the door in her face.

I sighed as I got dressed and then went out of my room to talk to Rip. I had joined the Legends with my cousin and now I'm forced to see the man I am in love with. I sighed as I walked to the center of the ship and set beside Ray. I saw from the corner of my eye Mick looking at me.

"Hey Boy Scout switch seats with me." Mick said standing up.

I froze as Ray stood up and walked to where Mick had been sitting.

"Traitor." I whispered annoyed.

Mick set beside me and crossed his legs. I sighed as I closed my eyes as we flew away. I felt a hand on mine and I opened my eyes to see Mick holding my hand. A small smile appeared on my face as I squeezed his hand and closed my eyes again. After everything stopped I opened my eyes and looked at Mick who was still holding my hand.

"Can I have my hand back?" I asked wot a blush.

"Oh! Yea." He said letting go.

I sent him a small smile before it was time to get up and get on with the plan.


The plan ended badly and I got captured with Mick, Ray, and Martin. I watched as Mick and Ray was tortured and then I was taken into the room. I was strung up beside them and I saw Martin say something to Savage. Savage nodded and I screamed as pain went through my body. It stopped and I smiled as I looked at the man.

"Is that all you got?" I asked with a smirk.

He let a smirk slip and turned it back on. After awhile it stopped and we where taken away. I laid on a bed and heard Mick calling my name. After awhile I woke up on the ship. I went to sit up but was stopped by Mick.

"Hey calm down!" Mick said having me lay back down.

"What happen?" I asked softly.

"You got tortured and then we got out." He explained.

"Oh.... what now?" I asked looking up at him.

"Well you rest and then they are taking you back to our time." He said softly.

"Umm no. I'm fine."

"You almost died."

"Still I'm not giving up I'm seeing this through."

"I would feel better if you did go back home."

"Mick I'm a grown up." I said softly.

"I don't care."

"Mick I will be fine. If I don't make it no one will care." I said calmly.

"I will!" He snapped.

"Mick..." I whispered softly.

"I would miss you because I'm in love with you and I have been for a long time." He said with a sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you left before I got the chance." He said with a sigh.

"Mick.....I-" I was cut off by him pressing him lips against me gently.

The kiss was short and sweet. It was very gentle and when he pulled away I let out a sigh. I leaned my head against his and hugged him.

"I love you." I whispered softly.

He smiled as I pulled him beside me and had him lay down beside me. I snuggled into him and fell asleep.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now