Mick imagine

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Imagine that you work with the flash under the name Firecracker. You meet Heatwave and Captain Cold one day when Flash has to work with them. You then remember Heatwave from when you were younger.

I was walking to work because my car had broken down. When I made t I saw Barry in his suit.

"Your late Miss Y/L/N." Harrison said rolling over to me.

"Sorry my car broke down do we have a fight?" I asked smiling at him.

"Yes with Heatwave and Captain Cold." Barry said running and grabbing my suit.

I changed into it and powered up. We left and went to were they where.

"Snart what do you want this time?" Barry asked .

"We need your help Speedster." Snart said glaring at us.

"Why?" I asked looking at them.

"There is this guy who is out for me and Mick we need your help stoping him." He said sending me a glare.

"Got a name?" I asked.

"The name is Danny Y/L/N." Heatwave said looking at the ground.

"Thats impossible Danny would never hurt anyone unless you hurt someone he cares about." I said angry.

"We didn't hurt anyone he is just mad we cut him out on a deal." Snart said smirking.

"Your lying my brother would never work with you."

"Wait are you his little sister Y/N the teacher?"

I looked away.

"You are that has gotta sting knowing your brother is a common thief and a murder." He said laughing.

I looked at him and the next thing I know he is on the ground holding his jaw.

"Hey firecracker that's enough!" Barry said grabbing me.

"I'm out." I said flying away from them.

I flew home and went to bed that morning I got dressed and I went to work at the school.

"Miss Y/N/N are you okay?" Steve, one of my students, asked.

"Yea I'm fine how are you doing?" I asked smiling at him.

"Better I haven't touched fire since I started going to counseling mom is happy and I have been talking with dad more." He said happily.

Steve is one of those kids that likes fire a lot and can't stop using it. He reminds me of a old friend I had who burnt down his house with his parents in it. That kid now goes by the name heatwave. He was my first love and my childhood friend. My father was a firefighter called on the scene and I went with him. We took Mick in but at the age of eighteen he cut all ties with my family and me.

"That's great I'm so proud of you!" I said hugging him.

After class I packed everything up and went to my car to leave. When I made it to my car I saw Barry with Cold and Heatwave.

"Why are you here with them?" I asked Barry angry.

He handed me a picture of my brother talking with a known criminal. Before I could say anything my phone rang.

"Hello."I said answering it.

"Hey sis what's happening?" My brother asked on the other line.

"Hey Danny nothing what can I do for you?" I asked looking at the picture.

"Well you could tell me why you didn't come visit dad on his birthday yesterday."

"I'm sorry work you know."

"Yea I know so can I meet you for coffee I have somethings I need to talk to you about." He said.

"I have somethings I need to talk to you about to." I said looking at Barry.

"Okay I'll see you in a few." He said hanging up.

"He wants me to meet him for coffee over my dads birthday that I missed yesterday." I said looking at Barry.

"Your dads birthday isn't until tomorrow." Mick said confused.

"Yea I know that's why I want you all to watch us." I said putting the picture in my pocket.

"Wait do you two know each other?" Barry asked shocked.

"Childhood friends.... Well we use to be.." I said getting into my car with them.

I made it to see my brother and found out that he was a criminal and that he didn't want to hurt me but he needs to kill Cold and Mick. I told him it was to late and had Joe arrest him. I walked outside and got into the car and asked where I needed to drop them both off because Barry had speed home. They told me two different places so I dropped Snart off first.

"Where to?" I asked Mick.

"Can we talk first somewhere that isn't this car." He said as I started to drive.

I took us to my house and we both walked in.

"You can talk." I said as we made it into the house.

"I'm sorry....about what happen when I left and what I said to you..." He said looking at me,

"After all this time you say sorry.... I thought you were dead Mick!"

"I know and that was what I wanted....I didn't want to be near you."

"Do you know what I went through do you know how it feels to loss the person your in love with!"

"Yes I do because I lost you Y/N I lost you and every day all I thought about was you!" He yelled looking down at me.

"Mick why didn't you just speak to me?" I asked crying.

"Because I was scared that I would hurt you just like I hurt my parents.... I couldn't live knowing that you were hurt. I may love fire but I love you more." He said looked own at me.

I reached up and pulled him down kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him.

"I love you so much." I whispered as I kissed him again.

"Not as much as I love you my firecracker." He said picking me up and kissing me.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now