Mick imagine

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Imagine you are dating Mick and he leaves to join the Legends.

"What do you mean you are leaving?" I asked angry.

"Me and Snart got a job offer the guy said it shouldn't take long." Mick said as he packed his gun and some clothes.

"So what are you gonna call or message me?"

"I can't and before you ask no I am not cheating....... again." He said softly turning to look at me.

"Fine you can go but I swear if you die I will never forgive you." I said glaring at him.

He smiled leaning down and kissing me softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I pulled away at the sound of a car horn.

"Looks like Snart is here..... I got to go." He said picking up his bag.

He walked out of the house and as I saw he get into the car I sighed.

"Love you Mick." I said knowing he couldn't hear me.

(Time skip brought to you by
Barry running and saying " hey look a untouched timeline!"......... followed by a Eobard Thawne yelling after him "don't you dare!!!")

It has been a year and a half and Mick has still not came home yet. I'm starting to give up on the idea that he ever will. I'm staying with my brother because I hate staying in that empty apartment. All I have been remembering is how Mick told me that this mission was dangerous and that they were going against a man named Vandal Savage.

"Hey (Y/N) I'm going to work see you later!" Cisco yelled walking out of the apartment.

"Bye Cisco!" I yelled back.

I went to get ready and I walked to work. I had the strange feeling that someone was watching me but I pushed it to the back of my mind because since the month after Mick left I had that feeling. I walked into work and softly said hello to the girl upfront. I started working and then after my shift was done I left to go home. On the way someone had grabbed me and pressed me up against the wall with a knife at my neck.

"Hello beautiful." The man said smirking.

"Let me go please.. I don't have anything." I said softly.

"You have a nice body." He said smirking.

Just then someone came up and pushed him off of me. I hit my head and passed out to seeing a dark figure.

Mick POV

A month after I left I came back half the man I was. The first thing I wanted to do was see my girlfriend (Y/N). I walked to our apartment to see her moving her things out and to her brothers car. I sighed and hid behind a wall. I watched her for awhile and I saw her turn to look around but I hid. She got in the car and left. I walked to the place and gave my name.

"Here is your key your girlfriend left it for you.... she payed it for a year." The doorman said softly.

"Thanks." I grumbled walking to my room.

I opened the door and felt emptiness it was like I had lost the other half of the man I was. I laid on the bed and pulled out the picture of me and (Y/N) it was the only thing keeping me going. For the next year and a half I watched her never getting the strength to go up and tell her I was home, but I wasn't home..... she isn't here. I stayed away from telling her until I saw that man grab her. I walked to the alley and slowly crept up on him.

"Hello beautiful." The man said smirking with a knife pressed to (Y/N)'a neck.

"Let me go please.. I don't have anything." She said softly.

"You have a nice body." He said smirking.

I had it I grabbed the man and slammed him to the ground. I hit him and kept hitting him until I knew he was either dead or out cold. I turned to look at (Y/N), but saw her passed out. I picked her up and cared her to the apartment. I grabbed a rag to place on the small cut on her neck and forehead. When I did I saw her stir a little so I went to get some pain killers.

Your POV

I woke up in mine and Mick's old apartment. I raised up to see a rag beside me. I heard foot steps and turned to see Mick in the doorway.

"Hey... I'm home." He said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

I stood up and ran into his arms crying. He wrapped his arms around me and tightly held onto me.

"He won't hurt you ever again." Mick said softly.

"I don't care about him I missed you so much." I said crying.

"I missed you to..... so much baby." He said.

I felt wetness on my shoulder and realized he was crying.

"What happen.... when did you get back?" I asked looking up at him.

"A month after I left..... Snart he didn't make it."

I raised up and kissed him softly. He tightly held onto me pulling me roughly into him. His hand found its way into my hair and he pulled me deeper into the kiss. I pulled away and hugged him.

"It's okay Mick I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I said pecking his lips.

"I know." He said softly.

"Your home now its gonna be alright."

"I love you." He said softly.

I was shocked, we have never sad that to each other, but I was still happy.

"I love you too Mick Rory." I said smiling up at him.

He hugged me and I felt like I was home and safe. After a while I moved all my things back in and stayed with him. This time when he left to joined the Legends I came with him.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now