Snart meeting in another way and how you left.

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Lewis Snart is my boss and has been since I was sixteen. I go by the nickname Icy because I don't want him to know who I am. Today he is having me work with his son Leonard Snart.

"You must be Lenny, Lewis' son." I said walking up to him.

"You must be Icy. Nice look." He said smirking.

I was wearing a dark blue jumpsuit with black boots and a dark blue mask.

"So what's the job?" I asked.

"Diamond grab and get out." He said.

"Good that means I have some free time." I said smiling.

"Why do they call you Icy?"

"Because that's all I leave behind when I latch onto someone. A cold heart no one has been able to leave from being with me with anything but a cold heart." I said smirking.

"Well I guess you won't have any effect on me."

"Why is that?" I asked curiously.

"My heart is already frozen." He whispered into my ear.

We got the diamond and then gave it to his father before leaving.

"Hey what's your real name?" He asked walking up to me.

"Y/N is all your getting." I sad smiling.

"Alright so how about you and I get some dinner Y/N." he said smirking.

"Your gonna have to do better than that Lenny.... I'll see you around Cold." I said laughing as I walked away.

For the next few years I made a bond with Leonard. I kept this bond until the night my mother was killed. I knew I couldn't get caught so I decided to leave which meant I had to fake my death.

"Hey Y/N how about you and I go out.... on a date." Leonard said smiling.

"You know what yea I'd like that Lenny." I said smiling.

"Good and here I got this for you." He said as he handed me a snowflake diamond necklace. "I didn't still it I bought it."

"It's beautiful I love it." I said kissing his cheek.

We got in the building and I set off a bomb that made it look like I had died. I saw Leonard beside his father and the next thing I know Leonard knocked his father out.

"I'm so sorry Lenny I hope you will understand." I whispered as I walked away from being a criminal.

I walked home and hugged my brother, Barry.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now