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Imagine dating Mick when you both where teenagers and now after sixteen years you meet again. Your engaged to be married.

"Hey sis can you come here?" Barry asked as I walked into the office.

"What's up bro?" I asked walking over to him.

"The Legends and Rory are on their way here and I need you to help me."

"With what?"

"Well I know you have a past with Rory so maybe you can..."

"Not happening bro.... the last time I saw Mick Rory he broke me heart in a million pieces..... and he took a piece with him." I said walking away.

I walked to Cisco's office and let out a sigh when I saw him.

"Hey what you building?" I asked leaning on his desk.

"Something to help you realize marrying HR is a bad idea." He said with a laugh.

"Funny." I said annoyed.

"I'm being serious what do you two know about each other.... nothing if I remember." Cisco said with a frown.

"I love him."

"No you don't.... you think you do but I know you don't. You never smile when you see him.... I am your best friend and I know you." He said softly.

"I know..... but I'm marrying him and nothing you say will stop me." I said walking away from him.

We made it to the control room and I let out a sigh as I saw Mick. At first I wanted to smile but I stopped myself. HR saw me and let a smile break on his face. I sent him a small smile before walking over to him.

"(Y/N) it's been awhile." Sara said smiling at me.

"Good to see you Sara and you too Ray..... Mick." I said softly.

I felt HR kiss the side of my face and I turned to peck his lips.

"I heard you two was engaged... you two are so cute." Ray said with a smile.

"Yep she is the only one for me." HR said with a smile.

I smiled softly before we started talking about the plan.

"(Y/N) will distract them and then-"

"I don't think she should..... I mean she doesn't have any powers." HR cut in.

"HR I'll be fine. I took out ten Metas on my own.... I can handle this." I said softly.

"Yea by still maybe it should be Sara."

"They need Sara on the sniper.... I am a big girl HR and I do what I want don't try to control me." I snapped.

"I'm not I.... just want you safe." He said with a sigh.

"I never asked you to protect me." I said walking out of the room.

I went to my room and let out a sigh. I hit the wall beside me.

"What the wall do to you?" Sara asked behind me.

"Nothing.... I just needed to hit something." I said softly.

"You don't love him do you?" She asked softly.

"No.... I can't because my stupid heart still loves the man that let me go." I said sadly.


"I broke up with him in the hope that he would follow me.... that I meant something to him and I didn't.... he didn't come for me." I said turning to face her.

"I was in love with Oliver..... I let him go and he did try to find me..... but I never could have been with him because he didn't respect me wanting to leave.... I think the reason he didn't follow you was he respected and loved you enough to give you space." She said walking away.

I sighed before going to help with the mission. After we finished it I decided to talk to HR.

"Hey." I said softly.

"I am so sorry I shouldn't have said what I did." He said softly.

"I can't marry you." I said handing him his ring back.

"Why? Is it what I said-"

"No.... I don't love you..... I can't because I'm still in love with.... someone else." I said with a sigh.

"I understand..... but he isn't for you I mean he is a common criminal." HR said softly.

"And I still love him." I said walking away.

I made it to where they where having the party and I smiled as I went over to Sara.

"You where right..... I don't love him." I said with a smile.

"I know I was no go get your man." She said with a smirk.

"Hey sis come here!" Barry yelled.

I walked over to him and he grabbed a glass.

"I wanna make a toast to my sister and HR.... I hope when you guys get married you live happily together." Barry said smiling at me.

"We aren't getting married Barry...... I'm sorry but I can't marry a man I don't love...... it still in love with a man who I left sixteen years ago..... and because of that I can't marry him." I said walking out of the room.

I sighed as I made it to a ledge and looked at the buildings. I saw someone put a drink in my face and I took it.

"Thanks." I said turning to face them.

"I thought you might need one." Mick said leaning against the ledge.

"Yea I do." I said with a sigh.

"So..... you gonna tell the guy?" He asked taking a drink.

"I thought I already had." I said with a smile.

"So he's here?" He asked.

"Mick when did we break up?" I asked softly.

"December 11th 2003 at 6:00 pm..... it was at the place we first met the year before on January 7th. He said softly.

"You remembered all of that?" I asked shocked.

"I even remember what you where wearing." He said with a laugh.

"You know the reason I broke up with you was because I was told you had cheated on me...with my best friend." I said with a laugh.

"Please I hated that girl..... she always thought she was better than you." He said laughing harder.

"She was the one who told me you cheated on me."

"I didn't..... I couldn't. I mean I cheated on a lot of girls..... but I couldn't cheat on you." He said looking me dead in the eyes.


"Because I loved you.... still do." He said softly.

"Why didn't you go after me?" I asked softly.

"I was scared to..... I didn't know what would happen.... everyday I regretted it.... because it meant I would never see you again." He explained.

"I wanted you to..... I felt if you did then I meant something to you. I realized to late that you where trying to respect my decision." I said as tears streamed down my face.

"Did you mean that..... do you still love me?" He asked calmly.

"With all my heart."

I watched as he downed his drink and then I looked at mine. I felt a hand on my cheek and turned to meet a pair of lips. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I smiled as we pulled apart.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you more." I said with a smile.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now