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I laughed as I set beside Cisco eating popcorn and watching Star Trek. I stopped laughing when I felt my stomach start doing flips and I had to run to the bathroom. I emptied my stomach out and whipped my mouth with some toilet paper.

"You okay (Y/N)?" Cisco asked from the couch.

"Yea just.... morning sickness." I groaned out.

"Morning sickness? I thought only pregnant woman had that." Cisco said confused.

I stood up and walked into the room with a small smile.

"No.... your pregnant! Congrats! Whose the lucky man?" He asked with a smile.

"Well.... it's.... no one important." I said softly.

"Let me guess, he isn't around." He said sadly.

"No he kind of left before I could tell him." I said with a sigh.

"Don't worry me and everyone at Star Labs will help you out." Cisco said as he hugged me.

"Thanks Cisco..... I gotta go I'll see you later." I said as I walked to the door and made my way to my car.

I hoped inside my car and started it with a groan.

"Leonard Snart. Why did it have to be Leonard Snart who got me pregnant?" I asked myself.

I had dated Leonard Snart for nearly a year before I realized he was a criminal. When I learned he was a criminal I broke it off with him and now I am alone and pregnant with a baby.

"Why did I have to live him?" I asked myself as I started the car and started to drive home.

The next day I woke up to a knock on my door. I open it to see my brother, Ray Palmer, at my door.

"Hey when did you get back?" I asked as I hugged him.

"Just now. So quick question wanna come on a trip through time with me?" He asked happily.

"Um.... let me think.... yes!" I squealed happily.

He helped me pack for three weeks and we made it to the place where the ship was picking us up. When we got on I smiled as he introduced everyone to me.

"Oh this is Mick Rory and Leonard Snart." Ray said with a smile.

"I hate you." I said as soon as he said Snart.

"Why?" Ray asked confused.

"Cause I'm her ex." Leonard said with a smirk.

"And father of unborn child." A voice said.

"What unborn child?" Ray asked confused.

"Real question who was that?" I asked confused.

"Hello Miss Palmer my name is Gideon. I am apart of the ship. Also congratulations on your unborn son. Would you like to see a picture of him?" She asked cheerfully.

"No.... I wanna be surprise by what he looks like and thanks for spilling the beans." I said with a frown.

"Your pregnant! With his child!" Ray exclaimed in shock as he pointed at a smirking Leonard.

"Yes.... don't be mad." I said with a smile.

"I'm not mad..... I'm totally not mad..... have you told anyone else about baby Snart jr?" He asked staring at my stomach.

"No.... well I told Cisco, but not about who the father was." I said with a sigh.

"If you don't mind Palmer I need to talk to my baby mama." Leonard said as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind him.

I looked at Ray and mouthed "help me". He sent me a smile and a wave before I was dragged out of the room. He dragged me to a bedroom and shut the door before turning to look at me with his arms crossed.

"So where you going to tell me about the baby?" He asked leaning against the wall.

"Well...... I didn't think I would see you again.... so not really." I said bitting my lip.

"So you where just gonna let our baby be raised without a father?" He asked as he glared at me.

"Probably would be better than letting him grow up with a criminal for a father!" I snapped.

"So you would rather him be without a father?" He asked glaring at me.

"I would rather my son not have to only get to see his father in jail!"

"You think I want our son to have the life I had?" He asked softly.

"I don't want him to grow up with a father who is always in jail."

"Please..... let me prove to you that I can be there for him." He begged as he took my hand.

Six years later

"Mommy! Help!" My six year old squealed as he ran up to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a small smile.

"The tickle monster is put to get me." He said happily.

I smiled as Leonard ran into the room and smiled as (s/n) squealed and jumped out of my hands. Leonard picked him up and started to tickle him, I laughed as (s/n) screamed for my help. I smiled as Leonard stopped and (s/n) started to laugh.

"Hey (s/n) wanna tag up on momma?" Leonard asked with a smile.

My smile disappeared as Leonard stood up and started to walk over to me.

"Don't you even dare." I said with a frown.

He walked over to me and I backed away as he grabbed me and tickled my sides. I laughed as he kept it up and after awhile he stopped. I smiled as I saw the time.

"Your gonna be late for the bus go get your backpack." I said with a smile.

(S/n) ran to grab his backpack and then Leonard walked him to the bus stop. After Leonard came back I smiled as he set beside me on the couch and wrapped his arm around me.

"Thank you for making me the happiest man alive." Leonard said kissing my cheek.

"What do you think about adding another addition to the family?" I asked with a smile.

"A dog?" He asked with a smile.

"More like another baby." I said happily.

"I love you." He said as he kissed me gently.

"I love you more Mr. Snart."

"Not possible Mrs. Snart." He said with a smile.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now