Mick imagine

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Imagine that you are the daughter of Mick Rory. You join them in becoming a Legend and you are the girlfriend of Jax.

"Hey baby what's up?" Jax asked smiling.

"Bored so what's this about going on a trip through time?" I asked smirking.

"This guy named Rip Hunter wants us to go with him though time to become heroes and stop Savage."

"Do it..... you should travel and become what I know you are." I said hugging him.

"I love you." He said smiling and kissing me.

He left that morning and it wasn't long before I saw him as firestorm at my window.

"What are you doing here?" I asked laughing.

"I'm here to bring you along Rip said we could." He said happily.

"Fine but you owe me a nice dinner." I said as he picked me up.

"Yes my lady." He said as he carried me to a ship.

"So you must be Miss Y/N Rory his girlfriend." A man in a trench coat said.

"You must be Rip Hunter." I said as Jax separated from Stein.

"Nice to meet you now lets go!" He yelled clapping his hands.

We followed him in and my eyes went wide sitting in one of the chairs was my dad Mick Rory who when I was six abandoned me with my abusive mother.

"Everyone meet Y/N Rory she is Jax's girlfriend." Rip said getting in his chair.

Jax slide his hand on my back and led me to a chair were he had me sit down beside him. He slide his hand in mine and kissed my forehead. Rip started the ship and we were off. After landing everyone except me and Rip had something wrong.

"How are you okay?" Jax asked groining.

"I don't know I'm just good like that baby." I said smirking.

"You are something special Y/N."

Jax, Sara, Mick, Leonard, and me had to stay in the ship.

"How about we get frisky in the 70s." Sara said.

"I like the way you think." Leonard said smirking.

"Lets go!" Jax said.

"Baby you and drinking is not a good sign how about you and I stay here?" I asked smirking.

"Yep we shall be staying." He said kissing my cheek.

They all left and I smiled dragging him to our room. I kissed his lips and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you." He said as we laid down on the bed cuddling.

"You to baby." I said.

The ship shook and I stood up and ran to see what was wrong. We saw some guy fighting with the team. Jax helped them fight while I was on the ship. They made it on the ship and we left and Jax hugged me.

"You should talk to him." He whispered in my ear.

"Why he left me?" I said sadly.

"Y/N you, Leonard and Mick are going on a mission together." Rip said as he started to explain it.

"Alright have fun baby." Jax said hugging me.

I left with Mick and Leonard and we went to steal something from Savage. Me and Snart got stuck in a cage and Mick went to find a way out of it.

"You know he missed you." Leonard said.

"Really cause the last time we spoke he abandoned me." I said angry.

"You know he had to."

The next thing we know Mick is back with Savage holding a knife to his throat. We got out and Carter and Kendra went to fight him. Carter was killed and Kendra was hurt.

"Are you okay baby?" Jax asked hugging me.

"I can't." I said hugging him.

Mick came in after a while and asked to talk to me. I followed him and leaned against the wall.

"I wanted to talk to you." He said softly.

"About what?" I asked.

"Us.... me as your father."

"Father. Ha.... you haven't been that since I was six." I said looking away from him.

"Y/N for once just understand your mother could provide for you I couldn't!" He said grabbing me.

"Yea and she could abuse me. Torture me and allow me to go with out food for weeks! I didn't want her I wanted you I wanted my dad!" I yelled through tears.

"Oh my little firecrackers didn't know if I had o would of stopped her." He said hugging me.

"I wanted you dad I wanted you."

He held me as I cried and after I was done we laughed at something Rip said to Ray. It felt good to finally have my dad back.

"So are you two good now?" Jax asked smirking.

"Yea we are and if you so much as hurt her I'll burn you alive." Mick said glaring at Jax.

Mick left and I hugged Jax smiling.

"I love you." I said kissing him.

"I love you more baby." He said hugging me.

"I love you to dad!!!" I yelled laughing.

Mick Rory/heatwave and Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold preferences Where stories live. Discover now