Applying for a Job.

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Chapter 1: Applying for a Job.

"Oh my God, girls did you hear that!? they are telling people they need a intern!" I practically yelled.
"Shhh listen" Key nudged me to watch. 'Go to our website to get details and you can apply for a job and we will interview you. Good luck!'
"OMG. Hannah!!! You need to apply!" Shelby screamed at me shaking my shoulders. We all screamed together then I got my computer and they helped me put in a application. It soon became late and the girls went home. Mom my brother and I all ate dinner and I helped clean up. I soon went back to my room and laid on my bed thinking and smiling. I soon fell asleep.
I woke up to my phone ringing. I answered it and at was Key. "HEY! did you get a email from RoosterTeeth or Achievement Hunter yet!?" She asked me. I yawned. "What time is it?" I asked with a groggy voice. "6am, so did you!?" She begged to know. "Oh my God can you hold on I just woke up!" I said kinda cranky. "I'm coming over see you at your door." She hung up. I shuffled my way downstairs and as soon as I got to the front door Key was just walking up to the door. She rushed upstairs and I shuffled my way up behind her. "Morning to you too" I said smiling. "Morning, how did you sleep?" Key asked. "Well I was sleeping great till you woke me up!" I teased smiling at her. We plopped down on my bed and I turned my computer on.
I signed into my yahoo and I had a email. 'From: RoosterTeeth'. I opened it.
'Thank you for applying for this job, there is interviews going on later today and tomorrow. Please come in at 7am tomorrow morning so we can interview you. Thanks again. -RoosterTeeth.'
Me and Key screeched for joy. I called up Shellz and told her the news. It was soon breakfast and I told my mom everything.
"Mom I'm going to a interview tomorrow for a job!" I said smiling. "What kind?" She asked me. "A gaming one. But I'll be a intern probably doing stuff for them." I explained. I talked to her more about it and she seemed to support me no matter what. After breakfast Shellz came over and we hung out in my room for a while then we went out to see a movie. We decided to walk to the Alamo Theatre and we just talked about what will happen at the interview.
"I hope you get the job Hannah" Shellz told me. I wrapped my arms around both my friends waists and replied. "Me too." "We will be beside you through anything." Key said. "Thanks girls. It means a lot. But what if I don't get the job?" I said with a downed voice.
"Don't think that way! You will! Be positive! Plus, you'll be in the same building as Gaaavvvinnn" Key said smiling at me. "Yea! No bad talk! You'll be near that sexy Brit!" Shellz added in. We soon arrived and we ordered pizza and watched the movie.
Soon the movie was over and we had pizza left over so I got a to-go box to take it home to my mom and brother. We walked back still talking about how cool it would be to work with Achievement Hunter and RoosterTeeth. It was started to get dark and we just got to the door. "Can I stay the night?" asked Key. "Sure. I don't care you both can." I said smiling opening the door. "Cool." Shellz said. "Mom I'm home!" I yelled. "Hey sweety! Welcome back!" She yelled from the living room. "I brought pizza." I yelled from the hallway leading to my kitchen. "Sweet! Thanks honey!" She yelled. "It's on the table. I'm going up to my room. I'll be down soon." I yelled from the staircase. "Okay" she yelled back. We rushed up the stairs and played video games. Soon it became 8pm and I started getting hungry. I headed downstairs to find my mom eating too.
"Hey, like the pizza?" I asked. "Mhm, delicious." She said with her mouth full. I smiled and heated me up 2 pieces of pizza.
I ate it at the table and mom just finished hers. "I'm gonna go play on the Internet." She said washing the grease off her hands. "Ok, I'll come and say goodnight before I go to bed. Love you." I said. "Love you too." She replied. I finished eating and brought drinks up. "Hey, Dr. Pepper anyone." I asked holding out a can. "Thanks" they both said grabbing the cans. We didn't do much for the rest of the day but play games and watch YouTube.
"Shit it's already 11pm. I need sleep." I said getting up. "Oh shit it is." Key said. "Well lets go to sleep then." Shellz suggested. "I'ma go tell mom night." I said shuffling out of my room. I walked down the hall and opened my moms bedroom door. "Night mom I'm going to bed. Love you." I said peeping my head in the door way. "Goodnight sweetie, see you in the morning." She said looking over her reading glasses. I smiled and she did too. I shut the door behind her and yelled out "GOODNIGHT MITCH" to my brother. "GOODNIGHT" I heard him yell. I smiled and went to the bathroom and went pee.
I headed back to my room and I plopped on my bed and turned out the light beside it and left the TV on. We all soon fell asleep 30 minutes later.

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