Long Day.

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Chapter 5: Long Day.

We got back to the office and they went back to work. I headed off to go help Lindsay and Miles.

"Hey girl, how was lunch?" Lindsay asked. "Good. I had a great time. Also got 40 dollars out of Ray." I said smiling.

Then someone walked in. "Hey Miles" Lindsay said waving. "Hey Linds, is this the new intern?" He asked approaching us. "Yes, Hannah this is Miles, Miles Hannah." She said.

"Hello" I greeted. "Hello there, nice to meet you." He shook my hand smiling. "I didn't mean to interrupt you guys, I heard you got 40 dollars from Ray? How?" He looked at me with curiosity.

"Well, I ordered 2 bean and cheese burritos that were huge for my size apparently and Ray bet me I couldn't finish the second one in 15 minutes." I said explaining. "Then I was right down to seconds and I finished it just in time. Gavin recorded me." I said shyly.

"We will have to get that footage from him! You could be in a RT Life." Lindsay smiled. I blushed. "Hey, we have to work on RvB Lindsay. Maybe Hannah can help us record the characters in halo." He said smiling at me and pushing his glasses up on his nose. "That sounds great! Lets go!" Lindsay said. I nodded and followed them upstairs.

"We record right here." Miles said. I smiled as we approached a desk with 4 TV screens and 4 different xbox's and behind it propped up above the TV's was computers. We sat down and worked for a few hours.

Then I got up and said "well I should really go see if anyone needs anything. I don't want to get fired." I smiled. "Ok, thanks again!" Miles said as Lindsay and him walked into a room where the sound booth was at. I waved bye and went to Burnies office. I knocked and opened the door quietly.

"Hey need anything boss?" I said peaking in. "No I'm fine thanks." He smiled looking away from his computer to me. I nodded and returned the smile and carried on. I went to see Joel but he wasn't in his office.

I just shrugged and walked downstairs. I walked to the annex to see if they needed help. I opened the door to find JJ, Barbara and Brandon working. "Hey guys, need any help at all?" I asked. "Yea we have to set up some new equipment. Wanna help?" Barbara asked. "Sure!" I said smiling. JJ, Barbara and I walked into the podcast room.

JJ handed me a camera and pointed to a tripod and I went and set it on it. We fooled around with wires untangling and setting lights up and everything but only turned them on to see if they worked properly.

Then we moved some furniture around to where it was for the podcast this week. Soon 2 hours later we were finished and we walked back into the control room.

"Hey actually can you go back in there so we can test out the equipment to see if it all works?" JJ asked. I nodded and walked back in. "What do you want me to do?" I asked in a loud tone.

"Sit on the couch! We are focusing the cameras and testing the lights!" JJ yells back.

I walked over to the couch and sat down. 10 seconds later the huge lights we were working on turned on almost blinding me. "Sorry" JJ yelled. Then he dimmed the lights. Barbara walks in and moves the cameras around and moves a few other things. "Ok you're good." JJ yells for me to come back in the room. I smiled and hopped up off the couch and shuffled my way to the control room.

"Thanks Hannah!" JJ said. "No problem, anytime." I smiled widely. "See you guys." I said walking out.

"Bye" the said in unison. I walked back to the main building thinking about what to do. No one really needed me. I walked in and made my way to the AH office. The door was opened this time.

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