Movie Night.

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Chapter 13: Movie Night.

*Michael's PoV*

Gavin was telling me about the dinner and then Geoff asked if Gavin took Key home. I saw a look in his eyes that told me he had sex with her.

I yelled my lungs out like you wouldn't believe at him. I shot up sending my chair to crash into Ray's chair as he was sitting in it.

Geoff tried calming me down but it didn't work. As I yelled "NO! I CAN'T YOU FUCKING IDIOT GAVIN!" I looked up and saw Hannah running past the door and I could tell she was starting to cry.

"YOU'RE SO STUPID GAVIN!" I yelled at Gavin as I was approaching him with my fist up ready to strike, but didn't hit. "Wot's wrong with you Micoo!?" Gavin flinched. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled, storming out of the room.

I ran outside to the parking lot between the annex and main building and Hannah caught my eye as she was running into the control room doors. I punched the dumpster a few times making little dents caving inwards.

I was furious. For the past month I have grown protective of Hannah, and I have no clue why.

I finally cooled down and I ran my fingers through my curly red hair then put my beanie back on and pushed my glasses up on my nose. I sighed and shuffled my way into the annex to check on Hannah.

I walked in the podcast room with her back facing me as she was laying on the couch. She quickly sat up like she was shot and rubbed her tears away. I slowly walked into the dimmed light in the room and finally spoke.

"I saw you run past the office door... And I saw you run into here..." I said as I sat by her. I could tell she tried so hard not to cry. She hugged me tight and said "thank you, thank you for being here for me." I smiled a little. "You're my lil Mogar.. You're strong, powerful, can get a temper." I said as I rubbed her back and hugged tightly.

A small giggle left her mouth and I smiled. We let go and I got up and held my hand out. She took my hand and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

Should we get back to work?" She asked with a weak smile and a sniffle.

"Yea, lets go." I said.

"Your lil mogar huh?" She said smiling.

"Yea, and ill always protect you. You are family." I smiled back.

"Thanks Michael, you're the best." She said smiling. "Ehh... I have my days." I joked.

We walked back into the main building. "You yelled pretty bad at Gavin..." Hannah said. "I know, he's heard worse..." I said. "Please apologize to him..." Hannah mumbled. "Yea..." I said. "Thanks again Michael. Wanna see a movie tonight? Or maybe you can come over and watch a movie? My mom has a movie collection." Hannah said smiling. "Fuck yea! That'd be great!" I said smiling. "Sweet! After work?" Hannah asked smiling. "Yep! Meet me up front or in the office... If you want... And ill drive you home. The dip-shit can catch a ride home with Geoff even tho they live together." I said hugging Hannah again before I let go. She nodded and ran off upstairs.

I walked back in the office and eyes were staring at me... "Sorry Boi..." I said as I ruffled Gavin's hair as I walked by. Gavin flinched at my touch. "Sorry guys." I repeated myself. "It's ok Micoo..." Gavin said weakly afraid he was gonna get whacked. "We have to do part 2 of Monopoly." Geoff said as he loaded up minecraft. I nodded and sighed as I opened my Mountain Dew soda. I sipped it than sat it back down and joined Geoff in minecraft and got my recording stuff ready.

*Hannah's PoV*

I ran upstairs after inviting Michael to a movie tonight. I found Miles working on RvB stuff. "Need help buddy?" I said as I approached him. "Sure!" Miles said patting a chair beside him.

Soon it became lunch and I didn't bring anything and I wasn't that hungry anyways. But Miles insisted I had a little something to eat anyway so he shared his food with me.

I worked with Miles the rest of the day, just a boring day at work, nothing exciting.

It is now 5:47pm and I am heading downstairs to see Michael. I saw the office door shut... I listened and Michael was raging his ass off. It was Rage Quit day. I smiled and walked in quietly and sat beside Ryan. I waved and waiting until Michael was done.

"Hey Micoo, wanna get some Bevs?" Gavin asked as he pulled off his headphones. "Nah, rain check my Boi. I have plans." Michael said smiling. "With who?" Gavin asked. "Hannah, we're gonna go and watch a movie." Michael said as he stood up and turned everything off. He handed Gavin his USB. "Give this to Lindsay would yah? She is gonna edit it." He added in. "Ready?" Michael said approaching me with a warm smile. "Yep!" I said as I looped my arm around his. "Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" I smiled as we walked out. "Night guys!" Michael yelled as we started to walk outside.

We hopped in his car he drove us to my place. "What movie would you like to see?" I asked. "What kind of movies do you have?" He asked. "Uhhh all kinds." I said trying to think. "Lets just pick one out when we get there." Michael said. I nodded and a minute later we were home. We walked out and I unlocked the door.

"MOM IM HOME!" I yelled. "I BROUGHT MICHAEL COME MEET HIM." I added in. Soon mom came shuffling downstairs smiling. "Hello, I am Hannah's mom." Mom shook his hand. "Moooooom..." I whined. "Sorry dearie." She said. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Lily." Michael politely said. "Oh please, call me mom, all Hannah's friends call me mom too." She paused. "What you Guys doing here?" Mom asked. I sighed. "I told him about the movie collection." I said. "Oh! Movie night?" Mom asked. I nodded and walked upstairs. "Common Michael!" I said looking back down behind me. "Coming!" He said smiling.

We headed down the hallway that leads to our bedrooms and bathroom. "Here it is." I said pointing at shelves of movies from floor to ceiling. "Holy...shit..." Michael mumbled.

"Ted?" Michael asked as he was looking through the movies. I nodded "I Love that movie!" I said taking it from his hand. "Me too!" He said. We headed for my room and I put it on. "Sit on the bed if you like... It's more comfy than the floor." I said as I started to walk out the room.

I ran downstairs and made popcorn and headed back up in no time flat. I had a huge bowl so we could just share. We started the movie and I sat beside him.

"Fuck you thunder! You can Suck my dick!" Me and Michael sang along with the movie. We laughed so hard we almost choked on popcorn multiple times.

*movies over*

"Thanks for the movie Hannah, had a great time." Michael said as he got up off the bed. "Me too. Thanks for coming." I said also getting up. "See you tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded as we walked downstairs. I opened the door and then hugged Michael. "Hey do you have my number?" He asked. I nodded no. "Gimme your phone." He said holding out his hand. I pulled it out of my back pocket and handed it to him. He handed me his.

He soon hands it back. "Thanks lil mogar." He smiled as he stepped out. "Thank you." I smiled.

I waited until he got to his car and started to drive off before I shut the door.

I shuffled my way upstairs and smiled. "His lil mogar." I mumbled. I put in 'despicable me' part one and laid in bed. Just at the ending my phone goes off.

Mogar: Night Hannah. Thanks again :) -sent 9:45pm

Me: Thanks for coming, wanna do it again sometime? -sent 9:46pm

Mogar: yea! But this time my apartment, and dinner. -sent 9:50pm

Me: sounds great, lets talk about it tomorrow. :) -sent 9:53pm

Mogar: Night Lil Mogar. -sent 9:54pm

Me: goodnight :) -sent 9:57pm.

I got up and went pee then went to sleep watching 'Despicable me 2'.

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