Deep Depression

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Chapter 31: Deep Depression.

I woke up pretty early, the sun wasn't even up. I rolled over a little so I can turn my head to face Gavin. He was snoring quietly, I smiled and touched his face as light as I could. The TV and Xbox was still on, the TV had dimmed and it was illuminating little light.

I got up slowly off the bed and shuffled to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and my hair was a mess, even when I barely move in bed it looks like shit. I rubbed my face and turned on the faucet. Grabbed the glass that was there and filled it up, drank the water and put the glass back down.

I went pee and then walked into the bedroom, I searched for my pills, they were by the Xbox. I grabbed it and had trouble opening it.

"For fffff...." I trailed off. I pushed on the lock with my middle finger and turned the cap with my thumb and index/pointer finger. It made a pop noise when it got opened. "Aye!" I mumbled.

I grabbed a pill and put the cap back on, turned it till it made a pop sound. Then I placed it back where it was and searched Gavin's mini fridge. I grabbed the milk and went back into the bathroom. I filled the cup up and placed my pill on the counter. I put the milk away an then went back in the bathroom. I took my pill and took my time with the milk.

I rinsed the cup out and set it aside, I walked out.

"Hey... do you need anything?" Gavin asked groggily. "No, I got it. Thanks." I whispered. Gavin got up and went to the bathroom. I got back in bed and laid down. Gavin came out as he rubbed his face. "Do you want me to turn the TV off?" Gavin asked, a little more alert. "No, it's ok, if I need to get up again ill have some light. Plus It won't wake you up." I smiled. "Mmk, if you need anything, just wake me up." Gavin said as he climbed back in bed. I looked at him "ok." I whispered.

He looked at me and smiled a little. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. '4am?' I thought. I shook my head and closed my eyes.

I felt Gavin move, I looked at him and he was facing me. I smiled as I watched him fall back to sleep, in a non creepy way. I started to drift off myself, when I felt Gavin's hand intertwine with mine. I smiled and finally went back to sleep.

I woke up once again, but the sun was up. I looked over to see if Gavin was there and he was, looking right at me. "Morning Kitten. How'd you sleep?" Gavin smiled. "Morning, good, how bout you?" I asked. "Slept great, do you need your pills?" He asked.

I grabbed the Xbox controller that was between us and pressed the guide button, it was 6:30.

"No, I took my pills at 4, can't have it till 8." I said. "Ok, just let me know." Gavin said. I nodded and just looked at him. It was silent yet peaceful.

He looked at me and smiled. "Should we get up?" I asked. "No, we're not going to work till 8. And it's Friday." Gavin said. I nodded as I used one hand to play the movie on the Xbox. I clasped my hand in Gavin's and stayed quiet.

After a while we had to get up. "Do you want to barrow some clothes? I can go ask Griff for some shorts." Gavin asked. "Uhh..." I looked down at my clothes. "Sure..." I said. "Ok, i'll be right back." Gavin said as he left the room. I went into the bathroom and put toothpaste on my finger and rubbed my teeth. I rinsed and cleaned off my finger. "Hey, is it clear?" Gavin said as he walked in. "Yea, Don't worry." I said as I walked out. "Here, let me know if you need help." Gavin said. I nodded an walked back into the bathroom. "Shit.." I mumbled. "Hey Gav?" I yelled. "Yea?" He replied. "Can you go get Griff...?" I asked shyly. "Yea, one moment." He said. I started mumbling to myself.

"You idiot, course your gonna need help, you can't move your arm. Fucking moron.." I spat towards myself. "Hello, honey?" I heard Griffon. "Come in." I mumbled. She walked in with a smile. "Need help with your clothes?" She asked. I nodded shyly. "Don't be embarrassed, I had to help Geoff when he broke his arm." She said. I smiled.

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