"I Can Tell"

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Chapter 27: "I Can Tell"

*Gavin's PoV*

As I stood there paralyzed, I could only imagine what happened. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move.

"Wot happened!?" I asked with panic in my voice. "It.. it wasn't like a bad accident but... bu..." Key paused for a breath. "She fell of the stage and she won't wake up, The stage is tall, really tall. She... She... hit her head on something, Carlos was telling me he saw her hit her head." Key cried. "Is she breathing??" I asked as I paced back and forth in the parking lot.

"I- I- I don't know, I couldn't tell. The ambulance is here and checking.... H-Her out." Key coughed. "Is she being put on a gurney?" I asked. "Ye-Yea she's being lifted up.. now." Key sniffled. "Go with her please, lie to them that you are her sister so you can ride with her." I said as I ran my hand through my hair nervously.

"I will, I- I- gotta go the-they're about to leave. I'll call you at the hos-hospital." Key said as the sirens and talking got louder. "Please do." I said. "Talk to you in a few. Bye Gav." Key said.

I just hung up. I clenched my phone making my knuckles white. I sighed heavily as I held my fist to my mouth. I started to bite my knuckle as I walked through the main doors. I ran my hand through my hair as I walked in the office.

The guys were still playing GTAV. I sighed quietly and sat down. 'I'll be ok if no one asks me about it.' I thought. "How's Hannah?" Michael asked. I sighed heavily, "I'll tell you later." I said plainly. "What is she doing?" Geoff asked. I felt my eyes swell up with tears.

I didn't want to interrupt the GTAV Let's Play cuz we were so far into it. "Did she tell you how the concert was? And the after party?" Michael asked. "MICOO, I SAID I WILL TELL YOU LATER." I yelled. "Gav are you ok?" Geoff asked turning around to look at me.

'Quick, think.' I thought. I didn't want to tell them yet. I banged my knee pretty hard on my desk on purpose, incase they saw tears. It hurt like hell actually.

I should of thought it through. "Yea, Geoff I'm ok, I just banged my knee pretty hard." I said as I started to get choked up. I looked at him and he nodded. Silently turning around. I did the same.

I kept my phone turned up and right by my side. I kept looking at the clock. I hardly talked during the recording. Very, very little did I talk. Finally the Let's play was over, I sighed heavily as I turned the recorder off.

"You don't usually lash out on me like that Gav, what's wrong?" Michael asked. "Yea, what's wrong buddy?" Geoff spoke up. I turned around facing them. I looked at them all before I spoke.

"Hannah's been in a accident," I said. "WHAT!?" The room broke out all at once. "What happened?" Ryan asked. "She fell off the stage and I'm Pretty sure she's at the hospital right now. She was being loaded up when Key called me." I said. "I can understand why you were on edge Gav, I'm sorry." Michael said as he came and gave me a hug. "Have you heard anything?" Ryan asked. I shook my head. "No." I said.

"Should we call?" Ray asked. "What should we do?" Jack asked. "I don't know..." I wiped a tear away. "Key said she wasn't waking up. She hit her head. She's unconscious." I said. Michael paced the room.

*Key's PoV*

We woke up around 8 and the guys called Shelby asking if we wanted to hang around stage doing whatever. Shelby asked us and we agreed. We got there around 9ish. We were having a great time. Goofing off, singing and dancing with the guys. Watching Shelby flirt with them made me and Hannah laugh.

We were lolly-gagging around singing and dancing with music playing. Then we heard a 'thump'. Right when we heard it I turned to the direction I heard it from and then Carlos yelled "HANNAH!" I looked and there she was off the stage. We couldn't jump off it unless we wanted to fall on our face. It was a big stage.

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