Going Home.

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Chapter 35: Going Home.

*a week later*

"Well, time to go home." I thought, sighing quietly. I looked at the sleeping Gavin beside me and smiled. I got up slowly, trying not to wake him up, but failed miserably.

"Hannah?" Gavin mumbled. "Yea?" I whispered. "What time is it?" He asked groggily. "8am, the flights not till noon, sleep some more." I smiled, running my hand through his hair. "Mmk..." he mumbled and drifted back to sleep.

I smiled and started to get up when Gavin pulled me back down and wrapped his arms around me, limiting my mobility. "I have to pack Gavi" I smiled at him. "You can pack later, as you said, our flights not till noon, we have 4 hours." His voice muffled, as he nuzzled my neck.

"True, but I need a shower and we were going to eat with the guys." I said. "What time will that be?" He asked, looking at me. "Uhh I think 9:30." I said. "Well you don't take a hour and a half showers. We have tiiiiimme." Gavin whined. "Bu-" Gavin cut me off with a kiss. "We have some time." He smiled, nuzzling back into my neck. I smiled and finally agreed.

We dozed off for a good 30-45 minutes before there was loud banging on the door. Gavin and I both jumped out of our skins, hearts racing.

Gavin got up quietly, slowly walking to the door and peeping out the peep hole. "Bloody hell Micoo!" Gavin said opening the door. "Morning sunshine." Michael smiled and walked in. "Morning ugly!" Michael smirked. "Love you too, bitch." I giggled. I got up and went to the bathroom, leaving the lads to their... well whatever their going to do.

I turned on the hot water and stripped, then got in. 15 minutes later I was out with a towel wrapped around my body. I peeked out and the boys were not in the room. I smiled and walked out, searching my open suit case. Pulled out my black and white paw printed bra and underwear. I dropped the towel and put them on.

All of a sudden I heard the door click open and creek. 'Oh god.' Was all I thought of before the lads came in.

"Oh! God I'm so sorry!" Ray shield his eyes, stopping in his tracks. Gavin smirked, checking out my half clothed body. I tried covering up myself with my hands, with bright pink cheeks. "Uhh..." was all Michael managed to say. I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. "Shit.. shit.. shit.." I mumbled.

I listened through the door to what they were saying.

"Dude, your girl has a nice body." Michael giggled. "I shield my eyes, for what I saw I agree. Sexy paw prints too. 10 outta 10. " Ray said. I didn't hear anything from Gavin for a few moments. "God, I love her." Gavin mumbled. I smiled and got dressed.

I walked out and smiled.

"So, who wants to help me pack?" I asked. "We will." Michael said. I smiled and started folding my clothes and putting them in the suit case.

After all that we met up with everyone at iHop on time and had breakfast. After breakfast we were on our way home. Gavin, Michael and myself sat in the back of the car, Key and Shelby in the middle and Ray up front with Geoff driving.

-2hours later-

"Oh God that ride was longer than last time." Key whined. "Well, we're home now, and I plan on crashing." Shelby said. "I want to, but I have to unpack." I said, dragging my suitcase down the sidewalk. Gavin walked beside me as we walked up to my house. I unlocked the door and opened it a little before yelling. "SEE YOU GIRLS TOMORROW!" I smiled. "LOVE YOU BITCH." Key yelled. "I LOVE YOU MORE." Shelby added in. "GIRLS, I LOVE YOU MORE, I'M GOING NOW. SEE YOU TOMORROW." I shouted. "Ok, jeez you don't have to yell..." Key mumbled. "Shut up!" I snapped playfully. We laughed and I walked in. Gavin following behind.

He grabbed my suitcase and started up the stairs. My mom came running out of the living room and engulfed me in a hug. "Oh jeez mom!" I mumbled, regaining my balance. "I missed you!! How was it!?" She asked. I sighed and told her everything. Even about Gavin and I, well, the part where we got together, non of the kissing stuff. Just as if on cue Gavin came down, brightly smiling. "Hello Mum!" he chirped. "Hello Gavin!" She hugged him.

I sighed and waited for them to stop talking so we can go up to my room. "Oh! Hannah, I kinda..." he paused. "Oh God, what'd you do." I looked at him. "Nothing! Nothing! I was just gonna say I kinda turned your Xbox on, signed us in, and put halo on. Wanna play?" He asked. I nodded and we headed upstairs. We sat in the big beanbag chair and played till our hearts desired.

-few hours later-

"Bollocks!" Gavin screeched as I killed him for the 10th time in a row. "I won!" I smiled, throwing my hands in the air with my controller. Gavin started pouting. "Aw, don't pout." I rubbed his shoulder. He gave me puppy dog eyes and kept pouting.

"Such a baby!" I teased. "Ill feel better if you kiss me." He said in a baby voice. I shook my head and smiled, pecking his lips lightly.

He grabbed the back of my night gently, pulling me in a deep kiss. I smiled, breaking it and dashboarded on Xbox. I put in a Movie called "that awkward moment." With Zach Efron.

After that it was now 1am and just getting ready to go to bed.

"Tomorrow's gonna be long." I mumbled. "Yea, taking everything to the new place, unpacking. I agree." Gavin whispered as he got as close as he could to me. "Night kitten." He whispered in my ear, placing a sweet short kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight love, sweet dreams." I mumbled, already dozing off myself.

-Next Day-

"Damn! These boxes are heavy!" I whined, carrying 3 medium boxes all the way to the new AH office.

"That's because you're carrying consoles and games." Geoff said, taking 2 boxes. "Shit.." I mumbled.

We were just starting to move everything from our old building 636 to a huge, huge, HUGE, plane thing.

We had a green screen in the room, with the couch that Ryan sat on in front of it. We put up a huge Board where you can tack stuff to it.

"We're going to make that our fan art wall." Jack said. "Sweet!" I smiled. "An guess what." Burnie said, walking behind me. "What?" I asked, turning to look at him. "You're right in that room right there, with Kdin, Caleb and Lindsay." Burnie smiled. I walked in the room to see 4 desks, so far in the room, with a lot of cords, camera equipment, consoles and computers.

I smiled and looked through the glass door. The first desk by the door was Geoffs, Didn't ask who was going in order. I think it's gents to lads.

I walked back in the AH office and helped with the huge light pole we had, we had no lights in this place, yet.

The rest of the day we unpacked and carried boxes, putting stuff where it belongs.

-A Month later.-

"Damn I love this place, but I miss 636." I mumbled. "Me too." Lindsay said. "Hannah?" I pulled off my headphones and looked towards the door. "Yes?" I asked. "Wanna come to my loft tonight?" Gavin asked. I smiled and nodded. He mirrored my smile and left. "You guys are going pretty strong there." Lindsay smirked. "Yep, we are." I smiled.

After work we headed to Gavins loft. We walked in his door and we turned the Xbox on. "Halo? Or minecraft?" He asked. "Minecraft please." I said, climbing on his bed. He grabbed a second controller and joined me a few moments later.

Gavin managed to kill himself and loose 10 diamonds and a diamond pickaxe. "You're a dumb!" I laughed. "I JUST FELL IN THE LAVA! I DIDN'T EVEN SEE IT." Gavin squealed. I laughed and kissed his cheek. "It's ok, luckily we saved it before you died. We can get them back." I smiled. Gavin sighed in irritation and put his controller down.

I looked at him and pecked his lips a few times, smiling after each one. "What time is it?" I asked. "Uhh 11-something." Gavin said squinting his eyes. "I'm tired." I said. "Me too, sleep?" He asked. "Mhm..." I mumbled as I laid my head on his chest, closing my eyes. "I love you, kitten." Gavin whispered. "I love you too Gavi." I smiled and held his hand.

I was out in no time.


Hey Gavinators! Sorry I haven't been uploading for a while! But I'm back on track! Love you!

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