Discharged & Ready to Go!

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Chapter 28: Discharged & Ready to Go!

*Keys PoV*

"How long have I been out?" Hannah asked while feeling her bandaged forehead. I smirked a little, then stopped and put a fake-serious face on.

"3.....4 Days..." I said plainly. "WHAT!?" Hannah sat up violently. "4 DAYS!?" She yelled. I tried not to smile, but I failed. "OMG lean back, no fast movements you're gonna seriously hurt yourself.... more. But you're so gullible. You were only out for about ehh I'd say 5-6 hours." I laughed. "You're a bitch." Hannah spat, leaning back whining in pain.

"I know, but I'm your bitch right?" I winked at her. Hannah sighed smiling. "Yea, my bitch... but you're still a bitch regardless." Hannah smiled. "So, the guys are here?" She asked. I nodded. Hannah smiled. "Ohhhhhh you mean Gav and the guys, no. Sorry I told them not to come, we would be home soon." I explained. "Oh you meant the rushers... Mmk." She said sighing. "So they know?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yea, Gav sounded very worried but relieved to know you're ok." I said. Hannah smiled a small smile after closing her eyes.

"What's your pain level, bitch to motherfucker?" I asked. "About to mother F." She said. "So about an 7-8?" I asked. "Yea. Hah." Hannah laughed. "Ill go get a nurse." I said getting up. "Ice chips too please?" Hannah asked. I sighed. "Yes, my queen." I laughed. She smiled and I walked out the door. Letting it close behind me.

"Excuse me, nurse?" I asked. "Yes?" The nurse said. "My sister, in 334 has woken up and she's in pain, can she have any medicine right now?" I asked tapping the countertop. The nurse looked at the computer and typed in the room number. "Name?" I sighed. "L-I-L-Y, Hannah." I said. 'Must be a new damn nurse.' I thought.

The nurse sighed. "Yes, she can." She said snotty-like. I glared at her as she pushed passed me. I followed behind her as we walked into Hannah's room.

She fiddled with the machines and did other things. "Ok, here's some morphine to ease the pain." She said. Hannah closed her eyes for a moment. I could tell she didn't like the nurse. In all honestly I didn't either.

"Ok, you can't have any more for another 4 hours." She said. Hannah nodded and the nurse walked out the door.

"Stuck up bitch." Hannah spat. "Totally." I agreed. "At least you have morphine." I added in. "Yea the good stuff." Hannah joked. "I heard you could get addicted to that stuff, I don't think they ever gave me that stuff before when I was in the hospitals. What's it like?" I asked. "Oh God, it takes away the pain and it makes you tired, depends on how much you get. It feels like you are light cuz it makes you painless you know?" She said looking at me. "I wouldn't." I laughed. "It's a good drug." Hannah said closing her eyes. "You better get some sleep it's late." Hannah looked at me. "Ehh, I will later." I said.

"Has Gavin.... Called?" Hannah asked shyly. "Don't act shy around me bitch! I know you like him." I giggled. "No, he was going to bed about an hour ago. He told me to wake him up if you woke up but I don't want to." I said. "Yea Don't." Hannah said sighing. "How seriously worried was he?" She asked. "Like a motherfucker." I laughed. Hannah laughed with me. "You do know, if we go to sleep the doc will come in at 6?" Hannah said. "Yea. They don't respect sleep." I said as I grabbed Hannah's left over pudding. I opened it and grabbed a spoon. "Hey, that's mine." Hannah looked at me. "It's mine now!" I laughed. "Such a bitch. I love you." Hannah laughed.

It's now 2 am and I'm exhausted and Hannah is too. "I'm gonna sleep doll." Hannah said. I nodded. "Me too. Good thing there is a love seat in this room." I sighed. "Yea. Love you." Hannah whispered. "Love you too sis." I said as I curled up with a blanket on the love seat. I was soon asleep in minutes.

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