Look at What I Found!

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Chapter 24: Look at What I Found!

I felt someone shaking my shoulder uncontrollably. I open my eyes to see the girls in my face.

"Wake up princess drools alot. We landed... WE'RE IN LA!!" They yelled at me. I smiled a little as I wiped the drool off my face. I got up and stretched. "How long was the flight?" I asked.

"2 and a half hours." Key said. We grabbed our luggage and walked off the plane and went through security. We went to the little Starbucks coffee shop in the corner of the place and got some coffee.

"I'm tired.. It's only... 8:48?" I said looking at the big digital clock. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. "When was our flight?" I asked.

"It was at 6, didn't catch air till 6:30ish." Key said. My phone finally turned on and it displayed '10:48pm'.

"I forgot its a 2 hour difference. Damn." I said. "LA is nothing like Austin, just want to let you guys know." I said yawning. "Oh shit." I mumbled. I pulled up my phone to my face and went straight to my contacts and sent a message to Gavin.

Me: Hey, I'm so sorry I didn't text you when we were boarding the plane. We got through security and straight on the plane and it was just hectic. 😰

Gav: It's ok, I'm glad you're safe. How was the flight?

Me: I slept the whole way. I don't know what the girls did. We are gonna catch a taxi to the hotel.

Gav: I'm glad you got some sleep.😌

Me: How's everything there?

Gav: Kinda Quiet to be honest. We didn't do much today.

Me: Quiet? Hah. I'll believe it when I see it. 😛

Gav: The guys miss you.

Me: Does, "the guys" mean as in you?

Gav: Maybe, The guys do actually miss you too.

Me: I'll be home in a blink. ☺ I miss you too.

Gav: Be safe Love.

Me: I will ☺. The taxi's here. I'll text you before I go to sleep.

Gav: Ok 😌.

I smiled, put our luggage in the trunk and we piled into the back seat of a taxi. We told the taxi driver the directions and we were there in no time.

I payed for it and we pulled our luggage out of the back and told the guy thank you. We walked into the hotel and walked up to the desk.

"Hello, I made a reservation for 3." I said to the lady. "What's your last name? And I need your credit card number." The kind lady smiled. "Lilly, L-I-L-L-Y." I said. "First name." She asked as she grabbed my credit card. "Hannah." I said with a simple smile. "Ok, here's your key cards, your on the second floor number 240. Here's your credit card. We were just confirming the number you gave us over the phone." The lady said. "Thank you!" I said. "Have a nice night." The Lady said. "You too! Come on girls!" I said all cheery like.

We walked to the elevator an piled in. We got to the second floor and found our room. I handed the girls their key cards and we got through the door. "Wow this place is nice." Shelby said. "Yea, The Marriott is a sweet place to stay." I said. "There's only 2 beds." Key said. "Is that a problem?" I said a little cranky.

"Well there's not 3. There is 3 of us." Key said. I sighed. "Either you can sleep with me or Shelby, on the floor or on that little couch over there." I pointed towards the window. "Now I gotta piss ill be right back. Straighten it out." I said closing the bathroom door behind me.

I went pee and washed my hands. I walked back out and the girls were pulling out their pajamas. I did the same, I pulled out a shirt and another shirt fell out that wasn't folded. I scratched my head and picked it up. I smiled as I read 'People Like Grapes'. I decided I was gonna wear that instead of my pajama shirt I had picked out. I pulled out some soft shorts and went back in the bathroom. I changed and then I grabbed my phone. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair. I took a mirror selfie that showed the shirt. Nothing special.

I send it to Gavin.

Me: Look at what I found ☺.

Gav: I was looking for that earlier! I was gonna do laundry.

Me: Well, if you were wondering where it was I just found it in my small suit case I had packed. I must of picked it up by accident and put it in there with my other clothes. Sorry. 😔

Gav: Hey now, Don't be sad. It's ok. I know my shirt is in good hands 😌.

Me: Yes it is! 😀

Gav: You look good in it.

Me: Really? Thanks ☺.

There was a long pause. So I just got in bed and talked to the girls.

"I never knew you had that shirt." Key said. I just nodded. "So what's going on who's sleeping with who?" I asked. "I can sleep on the floor if you want me too. It's fine." Shelby said. "No idiot, you can sleep with me." Key said. I laughed and Key went to go get in her pajamas. My phone went off. "Is it Gavin?" Shelby asked in a quiet tone. "Yea, how'd you know?" I asked. "The way you glow when you talk to him. That's how." Shelby smiled. "Key knows too but she didn't want to say anything." She added. "I know, she didn't take it as hard as Gavin did when they broke up tho." I said. Shelby nodded and Key came out so we went silent.

I looked at my phone and replied to Gavin.

Gav: Hey, sorry about that, I'm back.

Me: It's fine ☺

Gav: Are you heading to bed?

Me: Yea, in a few. You?

Gav: Same.

Me: what're you doing?

Gav: Just laying in bed, I think Michael wanted to play tonight.

Me: Tell him Hi for me please.

Gav: Will do

Me: I wish I had my Xbox right now. I'd join you guys.

Gav: That would be fun! I wish you had your Xbox too!

We talked for a while and I'm starting to fall asleep texting. My phone has hit my face many times.

Me: I'm sorry Gav, I'm getting exhausted and it's not that late. Well here it's not, but I'm gonna go to sleep.

Gav: That's fine, sweet dreams kitten 😴

Me: Nai Nai ☺

I put my phone on the charger and went pee and came back out. "Night babes. Wake me up k?" I said. "Ok, sweet dreams." Shelby said. "Love you girls." I said as I nestled into bed. "Love you too." Both Key and Shelby said in unison.

I fell asleep moments later.

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