The Interview

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Chapter 2: The Interview.

I woke up to Key and Shellz looking at me and calling my name. "What?" I asked groggily rubbing my eyes. I quickly sat up- "OH SHIT WHAT TIME IS IT!?" I yelled. They laughed "you owe me $5 Shelly." Key said laughing. "Hmpf..." Shellz pouted. "It's only 5:45 don't worry. You have plenty of time." Key reassured me. I sighed and got up. "Why does Shellz owe you $5?" I asked. "I bet her in less than 15 seconds you will pop up and yell. She didn't think you would." Key explained. I laughed. "Always losing money aren't you Shelly?" I teased her getting up. "Whatever." She said. I smiled and shuffled my way to the bathroom and went pee. I came back and checked my email and Facebook for a moment then went downstairs to eat breakfast with the girls.

After that I rushed upstairs with the girls far behind and I got in my closet looking for something presentable to wear for the interview. I grabbed my white bra and white underwear and grabbed shirt that is a light blue with 'gamer girl' written in it in black glittery lettering and a Xbox controller under it. I grabbed my Niké shoes that were black and light blue and took them to the bathroom. "Girls I'ma take a shower. Do whatever." I said closing the door.

I turned the shower on and stripped and put my dirty clothes in my hamper. I stepped into the shower and then 10 minutes later got out and wrapped a towel around my body and grabbed another towel to dry my hair... Sorta.

I put my clothes on and put on presentable makeup on and brushed my hair and teeth. I put a hair tie on my left arm incase I wanted to put my hair up. I smiled and put on my shoes. I rushed out to my room and asked what time it was as I looked for my phone. "6:30" Shellz said not taking her eyes off the screen as her and Key are playing CoD against each other. I smiled and watched them for a good 20 minutes. I found my phone and I looked at it. "Shit 10 minutes" I mumbled. "Time to go? I'll drive you there" Key said. I smiled and nodded. We turned everything off and I grabbed my phone, earbuds and keys. "I'm going home, see you later" Shelby said. I smiled and hugged her and rushed to the car. We got there in 5 minutes.

I hugged Key and she drove off. I brushed off invisible dust and casually walked in. "Excuse me, are you here for a interview?" A girl asked. I nodded "yes I am, I'm Hannah Lilly." I greeted her. "Hello Hannah, I'm Barbara Dunkleman. Come this way please." She said guiding me to the conference room that's as right by the main doors. Like literately. You walk in and you turn right and there's the conference room. Barbara knocked and someone said 'come in'. I swallowed and walked through. "Your 7am is here." She told a guy. "Ah yes, come in please. Sit down." A mans voice said. I smiled and did so. "I'm Burnie Burns and this is Geoff Ramsey." He said pointing to the guy next to him. I smiled. "Hello, I'm Hannah Lilly." I replied as happily and polite as I could. I knew who they where but I didn't want to tell them that just yet. "So by the looks of your application, it says you are 23, and you have worked for a pet salon." Burnie said looking at his computer. "Yes, I worked there for about 3 years." I replied. "So, did you get fired or did you quit? And why?" He asked looking at me with a serious face. "They told me they had to let some of their people go even if I was their best they didn't have enough money to pay me. So they let me go about 8 months ago." I replied. "Ok." Burnie said.

Then there was a knock at the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt but Gavin and Michael are going at it again Geoff." Some guy said. "Ok coming... Sorry I have to take care of these idiots I'll be right back. Coming Ray" Geoff said getting up and closing the door behind him.

So about 40 minutes later the interview is over. "Thank you for your time Ms. Lilly. I will either email you or call you in a week to let you know if you got the job. And I will tell you. You did great. So far you are at the top of the list." Burnie said smiling leading me out into the hallway. "Thank you Mr. Burns." I said shaking his hand. He smiled and the Geoff walked out of a door. "Fucking idiots." He mumbled. "Hey, how did she do?" Geoff asked Burnie. "I'll tell you about it later" Burnie smiled and winked at me. I smiled and I thanked them again and walked out.

I called Key to pick me up. She got here 10 mins later. "Hey how did you do? Did he say you got it? Did you see Gavin? Was he shirtless?" She urged to know. "He's gonna either call or email me in a week. I was so nervous but I think I did good. No sadly I did not." I smiled explaining it to her. We got home and Shellz was already in my house in my room playing a game. I walked up to hear her Swear "fucking creepers." Then she turned to see me watching her. "Hey! how did It go?" she asked. I explained to her what happened and everything.

"Aw, what a shame Gavin wasn't shirtless or you didn't see them." Shellz said in a sad tone. "Shut up" I nudged her with a smirk on my face. "So... it's just a waiting game then?" Shellz asked. "Yea. Sadly. It's gonna be a long week." I whined. "We'll help you make it go by fast! We will just do stuff! I don't know what... but we will do stuff!" Key smiled. "Do we have to" I whined. "YES! NOW GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP AND LET'S GET SOME FOOD. IM STARVING." Key yelled at me with a serious face trying not to crack a smile. "YES SIR... MA'AM!" I Saluted her. She then broke the seriousness by laughing. "Common lets go." Shellz said laughing leading the way. We walked downstairs. "Here or somewhere else?" I asked. "Uhm... How about Alamo's again? My treat." Key offered. "Fine with me how bout you shellz?" I snapped my head to her direction smiling widely. "Hey, if it's your treat Key, i'll come too!" she teased. "You're coming either way you dip." Key sassed Shelby. "Hey hey now let's please not fight with empty stomachs ok. I'm starving too." I whined walking between them. "Fine" they answered. I smiled and we walked out. We walked again cuz it was a nice day and it was better to walk anyways. "Do you think Gavin will be shirtless at work one day. Like if he was changing his shirt?" Shellz asked. "Shelly... Now, we know that is likely not to happen. Sadly I wish it would. But I wouldn't know. I'm not hired yet." I whined at her. "You will. Remember, positive stuff." Key encouraged the situation. I smiled and nodded. We arrived and we decided to see 'Gravity' again even tho we just saw it yesterday. Nothing else was playing that looked good.

I ordered a plain cheese pizza, Key got a veggie pizza and Shelby got a pepperoni pizza. All small of course. The movie was long and I only ate 2 pieces of my pizza out of 6.

Soon the movie was over and we headed back to my place. I took my pizza inside leaving the girls outside. I walked back out.. "let's go shopping." Shellz suggested. "Do we have to" I whined. "It will be fun come on." She urged. "Fiiiiine" I mumbled and we drove to the mall. I got some animal print shirts and gaming T's. A new eye shadow that is light blue and light pink lipstick. Key got more clothes as usual and shellz got more shoes. "Don't you love these?" She showed me. "I'm more of a sneaker-Nike shoe type Shelby you know that." I told her. "Right... I forgot haha" she laughed. I just smiled at her as I looked at this sweet creeper hoodie. "If you don't get it I will." Key winked at me. "I will, so you can't have it." I stuck my tongue out at her then smiled. We finally left the mall and headed back home.

It was dark and I was tired from walking so much. I just wanted this week to fly by. It's gonna be a long week. I plopped myself on my bed as the girls watched New vids of Achievement Hunter and I watched too. "I love Gavin's voice oh my god" Key whined. "I love it more." Shelby snapped at Key. "Girls, girls. We all know I love Gavin and his sexy British voice more. Come on." I smirked at them with a evil smile. We fought over this all the time. It was non-stop.

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