First Day.

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Chapter 5: First Day.

I woke up at 5:45am and got up. Walked to the bathroom and went pee and started the shower. I walked back to my bedroom and picked out a ripped up shirt that was black and short. Same ripped jeans and my Nike shoes. I matched the bra and panties to my shirt. I walked back to the bathroom, stripped then got in the shower.

20 minutes later I'm out and drying off. I put my clothes on and put on some black eye shadow with a tint of gray in it. Mascara and light pink lipstick. I put my hair up in a pony tail. Didn't like the look then took it out and ran my hand through it. I smiled and walked out of the bathroom.

Grabbed my phone and phone charger, earbuds and my keys.

I ate some breakfast and now it was 6:30am. 'Might as well go in early.' I thought.

"Bye mom I'm off to work!" I yelled from the front door. "Bye sweetie! Be safe! Love you!" She yelled back. "Love you too. BYE MITCH" I yelled. "Bye" I heard him yell.

It was a nice morning and I couldn't decide if I wanted to walk or drive. So I just walked. As I am walking I text Key.

Me: Hey, morning.

Key: Hey what's up?

Me: Nothing much, walking to work. You?

Key: Getting ready for work. My 2-week vacation is over ;'(. Why didn't you ask me to drive you to work?

Me: It's a nice morning. Plus I just felt like walking

Key: Oh ok, I hope you have a first good day at work! I'm so fucking jealous you got to work there.

Me: You do know you could of applied too right?

Key: Yea but I already have a job. I would have to quit. Plus I knew how much it would mean for you to get it.


Key: Love you too! ;*

-15 minutes later-

Me: Hey I just arrived and about to walk in, I'll text you later. Wish me luck! I hope they like me!

Key: Of course they will like you! Who wouldn't? Ttyl ;*

Me: Haha bye! ;*

I walk in and I was greeted by Barbara first. "Good morning Hannah!" she said with a warm smile. "Morning Barbara!" I Returned the smile.

"GAVIN YOU FUCKING IDIOT YOU KNOCKED MY IN LAVA YOU BITCH!!" Michael yelled. "That's normal." Barbara said pointing to the closed door. I nodded and smiled. "What do I do first?" I asked. "Uhm, go see if Lindsay or Monty need any help with equipment." She said pointing to the green screen room. I nodded and waved bye.

I shuffled my way to the room and peeked my head in and knocked. "Morning guys, am I interrupting anything?" I asked quietly. "Hello you must be the new intern. No come in." Monty said. I walked in and shook his hand. "Hi, I'm Hannah." I said smiling. "Hello Hannah, I'm Monty." He said. I nodded. "Do you need any help?" I asked. "Yes, can you carry these boxes upstairs? Then come back when you're done." He pointed to the boxes that are on my left. I nodded and picked up a Heavy box with a small box on top. I grunted then went on my way. "Hey girl. Need help?" Lindsay said coming up taking a smaller box off of the big box. "Yea thanks." I said going up a stair at a time. "What's in these boxes?" I asked. "New equipment for the sound booth and for the computers." She explained. "Ahh" I said still going up the stairs.

I walked to the desks in front of me. "Uhh..." I mumbled. "Where do I put it?" I asked as my hands started slipping off the box. "Here over here by Joel's door in the corner by the rail." She said pointing. I placed the box down and smiled. She put the smaller box down and walked to Burnies office.

I went back down and carried 2 smaller boxes that were the same weight as the big box I had. 'This is gonna be a long day.' My head whined.

I did that about 5 more times before I was done. I walked back in the room Monty was in. "Anything else?" I smiled cheerfully. "Yea can you help me hold this in place?" He said holding a big structure that looked like a big light, lamp thing. I nodded and did so. "There" he said. We let go and it was fixed. We heard a knock. "Oh mails here!" He said. "Can you go get that? It's up front." He said pointing. I nodded and shuffled my way to the front of the building and got the mail. A whole stack full. I sighed and sifted through it. 'Geoff, Geoff, Ray, Michael, Geoff, Jack, Gus, Joel, Burnie, Burnie, Jack, Monty, Monty, Gus, Ray, Kara, Chris, Matt, Matt, Burnie, Jon and Gavin.' I read the names off sorting them in piles. I picked them up in order and delivered the mail to everyone.

I walked upstairs and knocked quietly on Joel's door. "Yes? Come in" he said. I opened the door a little and handed him his mail. "Here, mails in." I said quietly and a little shy. "Thank you! you must be the new Intern!" He paused. "Hannah isn't it?" I smiled and nodded "Yes, nice to meet you." I smiled. "You too. I'm Joel. Well you probably already knew that." He laughed. "Mhm" I replied smiling. "Ok, I'll let you get back to work." I said slipping out of the room. "Thanks Hannah." He said and went back to work.

I nodded and shut his door quietly. "Now Jon." I mumbled quietly. I walked up to Jon who is editing a video. I lightly tapped his shoulder and pulled out his mail. "Package" I said handing it to him. "Thanks." He said taking it. I nodded and carried on.

"Now Burnie." I sighed. I knocked on his door. "Come in." He said. I opened the door and peeked in. "Mail." I said stepping in. He looked up at me from his paper and over his glasses. "Thanks Hannah." He smiled. "Welcome. Anytime" I returned the smile. 'Wow. Everyone's nice.... Except Jon he didn't really care.' I thought. I shrugged it off and carried on. I knocked on Matt's door hoping he was in a good mood. No answer. I peeked in to find him not in there. I placed his mail on his desk and carried on. "Gus, Geoff, Michael, Ray, Gavin, Chris, Kara, Lindsay and Monty left." I mumbled.

I picked up my pace and headed to where I last saw Monty. "Hey Monty, mail for you." I said Handing it to him. "Thanks." He said taking it. "Hey do you know where Kara, Chris and Lindsay is at?" I asked. "In the annex fixing up for a new podcast." He replied with a smile. "Sweet. Thanks." I said skipping off.

I didn't run or jog but I quickened my pace as I walked towards the annex. I open the doors and I saw Kara, JJ, and Chris doing stuff with equipment. "Excuse me." I said shyly. "Mails in." I said handing out the mail. "Thanks" Chris said grabbing his stuff. "Thanks girl!" Kara said approaching me. I nodded and asked "where's Lindsay?" "In the podcast room in there." Kara pointed. I nodded and walked in and called for Lindsay. "Hey Lindsay! mail!" I yelled. "Sweet!!" She said taking her small box. "Probably my new phone case." She said opening it. She pulled out a case for her phone and it was a kitty themed cover. I smiled and complimented her taste. "I love cats. I asked Michael if we could get one but he said no not right now. But I will get one!" She said smiling. "It's hard to crack Michael isn't it?" I asked. "Actually he's really sweet under that rage. He doesn't show it a lot unless we are alone and not around his friends." She said smiling. "Yea, doesn't seem like him." I smiled.

She hugged me and thanked me. I hugged back and we walked back to the main building. "Who else do you have to deliver their mail?" She asked. "Michael, Geoff, Jack, Gavin, Gus and Ray." I read off looking at the mail. "I can take Gus his. Lemme have it." She said grabbing the box. I smiled and we went our separate ways.

I walked to the door and put my ear to it and listened. Sounded like they were doing a Let's Play.

I knocked quietly. "Someone's knocking while we are recording." I heard Jack's voice. I slowly opened the door and motioned that mail was in, not making a noise. "MAILS HERE!" Gavin yelled. 'Wow, nice idiot.' I thought. I passed Jack his mail, then Geoff, Ray, Michael then handed Gavin his box. "Thanks love" he said away from the mic that was unaudiable, he smiles taking the box. I blushed and nodded. I picked the trash can up and walked to each person to put their trash in the bin.

Geoff put in a few empty beer bottles in there. Michael put in his MTN. Dew can in there and I reached Gavin.

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