First Day (PT.2)

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I reached to Gavin and pointed at the trash bin raising an eye brow. He looked at me and smiled. I about fainted but I kept myself from doing so.
'Why do you have to be so damn cute?' I thought. He grabbed his Dr. Pepper can and threw it in. I smiled and looked at the others. No one had trash so I walked out with the trash can.
I emptied the trash can and put a new plastic bag in it. I grabbed the boys all a drink. 'Hmmm... if I know Achievement Hunter I should know what they like.' I thought. 'MTN. Dew for Michael, beer for Geoff, Water for Gavin, Pepsi for Jack, a coke for Ryan and Also water for Ray.' I smiled as I grabbed everything. I shuffled my way back to the door with the drinks in the bin. I open the door quietly not making anyone look to see who it was. I placed a new water bottle on Gavin's desk.
He looks up at me and smiles. I return the smile and hand Ryan a coke. I got the same response from him like Gavin gave. "Thanks." He said quietly. I place the MTN. Dew on Michael's desk quietly not making a noise as I pat him on the shoulder. He instantly opens the can and smiles at me. I gave Geoff his beer already open. Gave Jack the Pepsi and gave Ray the other water bottle. I put the trash back as I walked by a smiling Gavin.
I wave bye and slowly shut the door behind me. I smiled and stood there for a moment. The image of Gavin's smile was stuck in my head. I stayed smiling like a mad woman and then walked away.
Soon it was lunch time and the boys came out of the office. "Great game guys. That was fun." Ray said walking out first. "Yea Ray, it was." Michael added. "Gavin died so many times." Michael teased. "Aw Micoo." Gavin said a little down. "I love the part where he was just sitting there and then he moved an inch and fell in lava!" Jack laughed. "Oh God, that was hilarious. And so was Ryan's sneaky cat burglary. I caught him both times!" Geoff said laughing. "Who's hungry? I know I am." Gavin said trying to get off the subject. "Mogar is hungry for sure. Should we go out and eat?" Michael asked as the walked into the kitchen where I was at. "Sounds great, how bout you guys?" Geoff said.
"Sounds great to me!" Ray yelled. "Hey, Hannah?" Gavin called my name. My head snapped in his direction and I smiled. "Yes?" I asked shyly. "You hungry? Always room for more!" He asked. "Yea come on, I bet you're starving." Geoff said. "Oh you don't have to tag me along I can just make something here." I said shyly and a little blushing. 'Wow, I haven't acted like this before' I thought to myself.
"No, come on!" Ray urged. "Yea come on!" Michael added in. "Let's go!" Jack said smiling. "It's just for lunch with the guys come on!" Ryan added in. "Please, come on!" Gavin whined. 'Woah, is he whining?' I thought. "Fine, you guys broke me down." I smiled.
We walked out to the parking lot up front. "Where are we gonna eat?" I asked. "Uhm.... I don't know" Ray answered. "Guys where are we gonna eat?" Ray asked. "Taco Bell?" Michael asked. "Sure, you guys fine with it?" Geoff asked. I just nodded as the others said yes.
We piled in 2 cars, I was in Michael's car with Ray, Gavin and Michael.
Ryan, Jack and Geoff went in another car. I was silent the whole way. We arrived and we all jumped out and walked in a group into Taco Bell.
We sat at a huge table that sat 8 people. Everyone discussed what they were going to eat as I pulled out my phone. I decided to text Key.

Me: Hey Girl, you at lunch?
Key: Yea sup?
Me: I'm eating with the guys OMG. Well about to.
Key: no way! Proof me!

I took a pic without them knowing. Luckily Gavin was across on the other side from where I'm sitting.

Me: See, I'm not lying :)
Key: Damn! That's awesome! Gavin looks so sexy today.
Me: Doesn't he look sexy everyday?
Key: True, true!
Me: Maybe in a week I'll introduce you two! ;)
Key: I'd love that oh god. My dream will be fulfilled! I can die happy now!
Me: Shut the Fuck up! You're not gonna die on me anyways! Oh the waiter is here text you later.
Key: Ok have fun!

I put my phone away in my pant pocket and soon it was my turn to order. "Ill have 2 bean and cheese burrito with mild sauce please. With a Dr. Pepper." I smiled. Then we waited for our order.
"So Hannah" Geoff called me and I popped up hearing my name. "How do you like your first day on the job?" He asked. I waited for a moment to think. "I really like it." I replied with a shy smile. "That's good!" Michael said. I stayed quiet again. "You're quiet aren't you?" Gavin asked looking straight at me. I shrugged then soon added "I'm shy at first, until you get to know me and I get to know you I won't be this way." I said. "Well, that's fine!" Ray added in. I smiled.
Gavin looked at me with curiosity. I smiled and looked back. "Watch this" I heard Michael whisper. "So Gav, can I tell Hannah what you said after she left the office?" he asked with a smirk. "Micoo!" Gavin gave Michael a dirty look. Then his cheeks turned a light pink. Now I looked at him with curiosity. I looked at Michael then Gavin again. "What did he say?" I spoke up
"He said that was really sweet for you to do. Then he zoned out for a little while smiling like a madman." Michael said with a smirk. I looked at Gavin and smiled. He was still a little pink in the cheeks. Now he was the silent one.
"You're quiet aren't you?" I kinda teased. He looked at me with a smile. "Yea he's shy when he doesn't want someone that he likes, to know what he said about them." Ray explained. Gavin hung his head trying to hide himself and sighed. Everyone laughed.
Soon our order was ready and Michael got up and got the food. He came back and slammed down 3 trays of food. "Eat up bitches." He smiled.
"Hannah here's yours, Ray here, Ryan, Michael, Gavin, Jack." Geoff said handing everyone their food. I thanked him and dug in. "You're gonna eat 2 of those?" Ray asked. "Yea.." I replied without knowing I still had food in my mouth. Ray laughed and so did Geoff. "What?" I asked swallowing. "I didn't know a girl like you can scarf down 2 big bean burritos." Ray said before biting into his taco.
I smiled and said "Well Ray, Believe it!" I said smiling. Everyone laughed. "This girl is cool, reminds me of Lindsay's personality." Michael said wrapping his arm around my neck. "You're cool too!" I said smiling hugging him. "Hey, if it's not to weird right now can someone take a pic of me and Michael? I wanna rub it in my 2 best friends faces." I said sarcastically. "Sure!" Michael said. "Gavin please?" I asked handing him my phone. He smiled and I hugged Michael and he wrapped his arms around me for the picture. 'SNAP' The phone made a click noise. "Thanks Gav." I said taking the phone back. "No problem." He smiled.
I finished my first burrito and started on the next. "I bet you won't be able to eat the rest of that." Ray said with a smirk. "Are you betting money?" I said after swallowing what I had in my mouth. "Yea, 40 bucks." He smiled. By then Gavin pulled out his phone and started recording us. "You won't finish the rest of that in 15 minutes." He added. I put my hand out and Ray shook it. I leaned over and whispered in Michael's ear-"can I use 'you're fucked' like you did with Gavin?" I leaned back and he smiled widely and nodded for approval. I took a big bite out if the burrito and soon swallowed it. I was about half way when I looked at Ray with a evil look. Everyone stopped talking to see what I was gonna say. "You're fucked" I said and started eating again. Everyone laughed and watched as I got closer and closer to being done. "5 minutes left Hannah." Gavin said looking at Geoff's phone. I smiled. "He's still fucked." I said with my mouth full.
I had about 5 medium sized bites left. "3 minutes." Geoff reminded me. I looked up and then went back to eating. By then I was really slowing down. I was getting really full.
"15..." There was a 5 second pause. ".....10...9...8...7..." Michael, Ray, Geoff and Gavin counted down. 'One bite left' I thought. I shoved it in my mouth chewed and swallowed right when they said 2. I raised my hands up and everyone cheered. "Pay up!" I said smiling madly. Ray sighed and grabbed his wallet. "I.. I didn't think you could.-" Ray got cut off by Michael. "Shut up Ray and pay her what you owe her!" He yelled. Ray handed me the 40 dollars. And I stuffed it in my pocket. Then Gav ended the vid. We all got up cuz we were done. "Dude, you can really scarf down 2 burritos! Next time ill think better." Ray said hugging me. "Do me a favor." I whined a little bit. "Yea?" Ray asked. "Don't squeeze to hard. I'm to full." I whined. "Haha, ok." He said still hugging me. Gavin snapped another pic cuz he knew I would want one.
We headed back to the car. "Hey we have another Let's Play to do, if you're not doing anything you could watch us if you wanted." Geoff suggested for when I had free time. "Sure, thanks." I said. We piled into the cars and headed back to work.

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