Lunch! (Part 2)

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"Lunch." I smiled.

"Wot? You didn't have to." Gavin said quietly. "Gav, if I didn't, you wouldn't get off your British ass to get yourself something to eat." I giggled. Gavin sighed and we sat on his bed.

"I even got what you usually have, a small salad with a nice bean and cheese burrito." I smiled. "Thanks!" He said as he opened the top to the salad. "Damnit!" I muttered. "Wot?" Gavin cocked his head like a dog to one side.

"They didn't put forks in this damn thing." I muttered quietly. "Ill be right back." I said as I got up and swung his door open and trudged out onto the lawn. "IS THE DOOR UNLOCKED?" I yelled.

"WOT!?" Gavin yelled as he appeared in the door. I sighed and stopped. I pointed to the slider door that leads into the living room. "DOOR, UNLOCKED?" I yelled from halfway in-between Gavin's loft and the main house. I was about to just find out myself but I was to lazy to go there.

I heard Gavin mumble. "YEA." He yelled finally. I nodded and opened the slider door and stepped in. Zoey came running around the corner barking. "Woah girl woah!" I held out my hand for her to stop. She looked at me then wagged her tail. "Good girl." I patted her head and walked into the kitchen.

"Shit. Now where do I... look?" I mumbled. "Ahh I remember, over here." I said as I remembered watching Geoff get a fork out of here the other day. I got me and Gavin a fork and some napkins, mild sauce and beers for us.

I walked out with my hands full and slid the slider door shut with my foot. I saw a figure stand up and rush out the door. The sun was in my eyes so I couldn't really see. "Woah, let me have some of that stuff." Gavin said grabbing things. "You don't have to I got it." I smiled.

"No, don't want you to trip now." He smiled as he let me in the loft first. I smiled and giggled a little. Gavin sighed as he sat down on the bed. I sighed also while getting on the other side of the bed and going cris-cross.

Gavin looked at me and then looked away. I was watching him lean off the bed and reached to the floor. I cocked my head a little, then he popped back up with the beers in his hand and a bottle opener.

"Yes! I knew I forgot something." I giggled. "It's the AH one." He smiled and showed me. "I love that." I said. He smiled and popped open the beers and handed me one.

I smiled and nodded as I took a sip of my beer. He opened his salad and his burrito and mixed his salad around, then took a bite of it. I smiled a little to myself and opened my burrito and put mild sauce on it, then wrapped it back up.

Mine had lettuce in it with beans, cheese, nothing else. I took a big bite out of it. "Mmm..." I hummed with my mouth shut. Gavin nodded in response.

"Michael asked about you." I said after I swallowed my food. "Micoo! Wot he say?" Gavin smiled. "This was his exact words 'hey, where's my Boi?' Right when I walked in." I giggled. "Aww Micoo." Gavin cooed. "I was thinking 'aw there's no Mavin when Gavin's not around Micoo'." I smiled imitating Gavin's accent.

A smirk appeared on Gavin's face. He bit into his burrito, beans and sauces fell on his shirt. "Oh bloody hell." Gavin spat as he was chewing his food. He picked up the beans and ate them then, He sat his burrito down and got up.

"Here let me help." I said hopping up and setting down my food and beer. Gavin took off his shirt and looked at it. "I loved this shirt." Gavin whimpered. It was his 'touch my awesome button shirt'. I reached my hand out "let me have it ill get the sauce out." I said. He looked at me an nodded as he handed it to me. "Ill be right back, don't drink my beer." I pointed a finger at him. He smiled a little as he went towards the bed.

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